UK Women's Health Clinic

The primary goal of the UK Women's Health Clinic is to provide coordinated, comprehensive, and compassionate diagnostic, treatment, and preventive health care services for women.

The Center for the Advancement of Women's Health serves three primary purposes:

Provide high-quality comprehensive medical services for women in a clinical facility located in the Kentucky Clinic.

Educate patients and the community overall about women's health through educational and community outreach programs.

Expand medical research opportunities for women that encourage advancements in the field of women's health through our research opportunity, Wellness Health & You, and clinical trials

Well Woman Clinic

Have all annual exams and tests completed in one appointment! This convenient option for busy and active women is available to healthy women between the ages of 40-64 who have no active health disorders.

Visit a primary care provider specializing in women's health:

  • Annual exam and pap smear
  • Laboratory tests as needed (blood/urine analysis)
  • Mammogram screening
  • DEXA bone density exam/interpretation (over 50 years)

For more information or to make an appointment, contact us at (859) 323-3900.


doctor speaking with patient on examination table


Deidra Beshear, MD

Positions Held:
  • Assistant Professor

Kelsey L Thompson, MD

Positions Held:
  • Assistant Professor

Katherine Twist, MD

Positions Held:
  • Associate Professor


Aisha N Conwell

Positions Held:
  • Patient Relations Assistant/UKHC

Brooke Elizabeth Englert

Positions Held:
  • Advanced Practice Provider I/UKHC

Erica Kay Marnatti

Positions Held:
  • Advanced Practice Provider I/UKHC