Welcome to the College of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases

We are a group of physicians dedicated to the practice, teaching, and research of diseases caused by organisms. Our clinic utilizes a variety of different resources to provide patients with multidisciplinary care on both an inpatient and outpatient basis. Division faculty provide a variety of different services to all of UK's health care facilities in addition to the infectious disease clinics.

Alice Thornton, MD
Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases
Medical Director, Bluegrass Care Clinic
Project Director, KYAETC


Creative Leadership and Quality Initiatives

The College of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases participates in the University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center’s tripartite mission of providing creative leadership and quality initiatives in patient care, medical education, and medical research.

Our division faculty are committed to excellence in patient care, and oversee a continuous quality improvement program designed to ensure high-quality care and outcomes. Faculty include hospital epidemiologists at both the University of Kentucky Hospital and the Lexington Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and the physicians who staff the division’s two outpatient clinics located in the Kentucky Clinic adjoining UK's hospital: Bluegrass Care Clinic and Infectious Diseases Clinic.

Our faculty also maintain the highest of educational standards by holding and participating in medical student lectures, education conferences/forums, the infectious diseases fellowship program, and Kentucky AIDS Education and Training Center (KY AETC).

Division research bridges the gap between basic science research and clinical applications in the treatment of infectious diseases.

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