Infectious Disease Fellowship
Welcome to the infectious disease training fellowship at the University of Kentucky!
Infectious disease (ID) is a rapidly changing and diverse field that offers a wide array of clinical, research, and public health opportunities. At the University of Kentucky, our mission is to train the next generation of infectious disease clinicians, clinician-educators, and clinician-scientists to provide excellence in research, education, and high-quality patient care.
Our two-year fellowship program offers robust clinical experiences in both inpatient and outpatient settings. The unique population in and around Kentucky provides a depth and breadth of disease processes to our facilities. Our fellows have opportunities to participate in direct care of a wide variety of infectious disease syndromes including complex bacterial, fungal and viral disease, HIV, hepatitis B and C, sexually transmitted infections, travel medicine, transplant care, complex bone and joint infections, infection control and prevention, and antimicrobial stewardship. Additionally, our trainees receive dedicated research time with the goal of completing and presenting scholarly projects.
There is much more that our ACGME-accredited fellowship has to offer. We encourage you to meet our highly dedicated faculty and fellows.
Thank you for your interest in our program!