Welcome from the Program Director - Kristy Deep, MD
Three years. This is what is important.
Our job is you — to help you become the doctor you envision. Whether that's a highly-skilled procedural subspecialist, a physician practicing primary care in a rural area, or a hospitalist leading institutional quality improvement initiatives, our residency program provides a path to your dream job. And if you aren’t quite sure what that is yet, that’s fine too. We’ll help you figure it out.
Ready for anything. We pride ourselves on providing a diverse training experience where you will graduate prepared for patient care in any environment. Our training sites include three hospitals and a multispecialty ambulatory clinic all on one campus. This combination ensures a broad mix of patients and pathology, and our focus on resident autonomy means that you will leave confident that you can handle it.
Patient-centered care in a resident-centered culture. Our program seeks to foster those relationships — between you and your patients — but also among each other and those other important people in your life. Our unique schedule provides just the right mix of rigorous clinical experience with time and space to find a balance between work, learning, and life.
Camaraderie. It amazes me. The one enduring answer I hear when asking folks why they choose us for training is the residents. Our close-knit, family atmosphere is noticeable even when learners come for an interview. Our residents support one another and help make each other better. We welcome residents from all walks of life and celebrate the unique perspectives that a diverse group of residents brings to our program.
Get to know us. Please use this website as an introduction to our people, our place, and our wonderful community here at the University of Kentucky.
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