Four-Year Training Program
The UK Med-Peds Residency Program is a four-year training program leading to board eligibility in both specialties. The objective of the program is to train general physicians for their future practice addressing the spectrum of illness in newborns, children, adolescents, and adults. Graduates of our program have entered a wide range of fields including primary care, emergency medicine, hospital medicine, academic medicine, pediatric subspecialties, internal medicine subspecialties, and combined med-peds subspecialties.
Unique Aspects
Our program has several unique aspects. First, our residents rotate at four-month intervals. This provides a complete spectrum of medical problems throughout the seasons of the year. Second, we have dedicated combined specialty months to allow our residents to explore a variety of pediatric and adult care specialties in a single month. Last, we have a dedicated med-peds clinic curriculum, which provides our residents with not only an outstanding education in the core internal medicine and pediatric programs, but also provides a focus on the unique aspects of combined training.
The four years of training are designed to provide an ideal educational environment that prepares residents for not only clinical practice but also board certification. Our curriculum consists of an excellent mix of outpatient and inpatient rotations to ensure that residents are provided with the best clinical experiences. Residents will have the opportunity to work in a wide variety of locations, including UK Chandler Medical Center, UK Good Samaritan Hospital, Kentucky Children's Hospital, the Lexington Veteran's Administration Hospital, UK Polk Dalton Clinic, and other community and school-based clinics. Our curriculum was designed to comply with the guidelines for internal medicine-pediatrics medical training as specified by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) and the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP).
Intern Rotations | Internal Medicine | Pediatrics |
(First 8 Months) | Ambulatory Consult | Adolescent Medicine |
Ambulatory Med-Peds | General Pediatric Clinic/Advocacy | |
Inpatient Consult | General Peds Wards (2) | |
ER | Hematology/Oncology | |
Inpatient Wards (3) | NBN | |
MICU (2nd half only) | NICU | |
Behavior and Development |
Junior Resident Rotations | Internal Medicine | Pediatrics |
(Second 8 Months) | Ambulatory Consult (2) | "A" Selective (2) |
CCU | Pediatric ER | |
Inpatient Consult (2) | General Peds Wards | |
Inpatient Wards (3) | Individualized Ambulatory Med-Peds/Twilight | |
NICU | ||
PICU | ||
Night Float (2wks)/Quality & Safety* | ||
*Formerly Subspecialty Wards |
Senior Resident Rotations | Internal Medicine | Pediatrics |
(Third 8 Months) | Ambulatory Consult (2) | "A" Selective |
Ambulatory Med-Peds | Cardiology | |
Inpatient Consult | NBN | |
Elective | Community Med-Peds | |
Inpatient Wards (2) | Gen Peds Wards | |
MICU | Individualized Elective Rotation (2) | |
UK Pediatric ER |
Morning Report
Morning report is one of the most highly regarded sessions during residency training. Morning report in both medicine and pediatrics emphasizes the management of specific patient presentations and problems. Included are differential diagnosis, work-up, and treatment of patients selected from our services at UK Chandler Medical Center, Kentucky Children's Hospital, Good Samaritan Hospital, VA Medical Center, and ambulatory clinics. These informal sessions emphasize evidence-based medicine using the current literature, feedback from expert teaching attendings, and the discussion from the residents themselves to develop critical thinking.
Med-Peds Clinical Conference
Med-peds clinical conference occurs each week. During this noon (12:00) conference, residents are presented primarily ambulatory topics by med-peds faculty offering a unique venue that allows for the discussion of both medicine and pediatric knowledge for a given topic.
Med-Peds Billing and Coding Series
The med-peds billing and coding series occurs monthly. During this morning conference, residents are taught in a case-based format about inpatient and outpatient billing from a UK compliance consultant.
Monthly Resident Meeting
Core internal medicine and pediatric topics are relayed in a variety of formats during the monthly resident meeting.
Med-Peds Noon Conference
Once per month, all of the med-peds residents have a separate noon conference to discuss issues unique to our program. These sessions are directed by the program director and the med-peds chief residents to discuss residency issues and other issues of concern. This is an excellent forum for discussing residency issues, board exam preparation, practice issues, etc.
Grand Rounds
Grand rounds in both internal medicine and pediatrics are a platform for guest lecturers and our own attending physicians to address and inform the entire department of recent updates or the latest advances in their field. They are on different days, so med-peds residents have the flexibility and the opportunity to attend both conferences. Additionally, once per quarter, both departments combine to have a joint med-peds grand rounds on a topic important to both disciplines.
Med-Peds Journal Club
Each month, the med-peds residents get together at a resident's home to discuss some of the recent literature while enjoying a themed potluck dinner. Two journal articles are presented by residents each month, one emphasizing a pediatric issue and one an internal medicine issue. Articles are selected based upon their potential impact on our practice of medicine.