Applications: outside the traditional fellowship match

Application Deadline: Dec. 15

Interviews: January

All hepatology trainees at the University of Kentucky must have a full Kentucky medical license. Accordingly, applications will only be considered from those individuals who meet licensing requirements. Before you apply for training in hepatology at the University of Kentucky, please review the following requirements: 

  • You must have graduated from an approved medical school. All medical schools in the U.S. and Canada approved by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) or the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) meet this requirement. Other medical school education is evaluated by the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure on an individual basis.
  • U.S. and Canadian medical school graduates must have completed three years of postgraduate training approved by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) or the National Joint committee (NJC) in Internal Medicine. Graduates of non-U.S./Canadian medical schools must complete three years of ACGME- or NJC-approved postgraduate training that includes 12 months of clinical training in internal medicine.
  • You must have received a passing score on the USMLE exam or hold a full license in another state or Canadian province as a result of passing a licensing exam.
  • Foreign medical graduates must possess permanent ECFMG certification or proof of certification by an approved U.S. specialty board. A copy of the full licensure requirements can be obtained from the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure, or visit
  • Applicants must possess a valid permanent resident visa or U.S. citizenship. We are able to sponsor applicants requiring a J1 visa if selected. 
  • Applicants without ACGME residency training will not be considered.

How to Apply

Send all required documents into one combined PDF file for submission to Christopher Eliopoulos, Acute and Chronic Liver Failure (NST Hepatology) Training Program Coordinator at

A complete application will include all documents listed below combined in ONE (1) pdf file:

  • copy of medical school degree certificate or diploma
  • copy of ECFMG certificate, if applicable
  • USMLE or COMLEX transcript (not individual step results)
  • photo (optional, but will be helpful to identify candidates at campus visits)

Three Letters of Recommendation Required

Of the three letters, one must be from the residency program director. 
It is highly recommended to have a letter from a Hepatology attending/provider as one of the supporting documents. 
Letters are to be sent directly to the Hepatology Training Program Coordinator, Chris Eliopoulos (, as an email attachment.  
Label the email subject line as: "(applicant last name here) - LOR (reference name) UK Hepatology Training Program"

Timeline:  Nov. 15 - Dec. 15

Applications will be accepted beginning Nov. 15. Materials submitted prior to this date will not be processed until that day. 

The deadline for acceptance of ACLF (NST Hepatology) Training Program applications is Dec. 15, 2025. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. All documents (including letters of reference) must be received by this date for consideration. Candidate interviews will be held in January.