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Vincent L. Sorrell, MD, FACC, FACP, FASE, FSCCT, FSCMR


C.T. Wethington Bldg, Rm 324, 900 S Limestone St, Lexington, KY 40536-0200


  • Anthony N. DeMaria Professor of Medicine and Radiology
  • Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Chair, Cardiovascular Imaging for the UK Enterprise
  • Assistant Division Chief, Cardiovascular Medicine

College Unit(s)

Other Affiliation(s)
  • CVRC - Affiliated Faculty
  • Internal Medicine - Cardiology
  • CardioVascular Imaging Research Team

Biography and Education


Youngstown State University, Pre-Medical Studies 1983 St. George's University School of Medicine (Grenada, W.I.), Basic Sciences, 1986 Youngstown State University, B.S. Combined Sciences 1987 St. George's University School of Medicine (Grenada, W.I.), M.D. 1989 St. Joseph's Hospital (Seton Hall University), Internship, Internal Medicine 1990 University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Residency, Internal Medicine 1992 University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Fellowship, Adult Cardiology 1994 University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Fellowship, Advanced Imaging 1995

Selected Publications

SORRELL VL, Davis MJ, Bove, AA. Origins of coronary artery ectasia. (1996) Lancet, 347(8995):136-7.

Berg RA, SORRELL VL, Kern KB, Hilwig RW, Altbach MI, Hayes MM, Bates KA, Ewy GA. Magnetic resonance imaging during untreated ventricular fibrillation reveals prompt right ventricular overdistension without left ventricular volume loss. (2005) Circulation, 111(9):1136-1140. PMID:15723975.

SORRELL VL, Altbach M, Kern KB, Squire S, Hilwig RW, Hayes MM, Ewy GA, Berg RA. Images incardiovascular medicine. Continuous cardiac magnetic resonance imaging during untreated ventricular fibrillation. (2005) Circulation, 111(19):e294. PMID:15897350.

Attaran RR, Ramaraj R, SORRELL VL, Movahed MR. Poor correlation of estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure between echocardiography and right heart catheterization in patients awaiting cardiac transplantation: Results from the clinical arena. (2009) Transplant Proc, 41(9):3827-30. PMID:19917395.

Lax D, Bhatt RD, Klewer SE, SORRELL VL. Are all ventricular septal defects created equal? (2010) J Am Soc Echocardiogr, 23(7):791.e5-7. PMID:200975530.

Abdy NA, Valdes SO, SORRELL VL, Klewer SE, Barber BJ. Apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in an adolescent. (2010) Congenit Heart Dis, 5(2):182-7.

Marcus F, Basso C, Gear K and SORRELL V. Pitfalls in the diagnosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia. (2010) Am J Cardiol, 105(7):1036-1039. PMID:20346327.

Kalra N, Klewer SE, Raasch, H and SORRELL VL. Update on tetralogy of fallot for the adult cardiologist including a brief historical and surgical perspective. (2010) Congenit Heart Dis, 5(3):208-219. PMID:20576040.

SORRELL VL, Ross WD, Kumar S, Klara, Left Ventricular endocardial and epicardial border length delineation with perflutren contrast during transthoracic echocardiography. (2011) Echocardiography, 28(7):176-6. PMID:21564278

Marcus Fl, Bluemke DA, Calkins H, SORRELL VL. Cardiac magnetic resonance for risk stratification of patients with frequent premature ventricular contractions. (2011) JACC, 57(15):1636-7. PMID: 21474047

SORRELL VL, Paleru, V, Altbach MI, Hilwig RW, Kern KB, Gaballa M, Ewy GZ, Berg RA. Mild hypothermia delays the development of stone heart from untreated sustained ventricular fibrillation-cardiovascular magnetic resonance study. (2011) Cardiovasc Magn Resos, 13(1):17. PMID:23175776

Plaisance BR, Winkler MA, Attili AK, SORRELL VL, Congenital bicuspid aortic valve first presenting as an aortic aneurysm. (2012) Am J Med, 125(4);e5-7. PMID:22444113

SORRELL VL, Pancyzk E, Alpert JS. A new disease: Bicuspid aortic valve aortopathy syndrome. (2012) Am J Med, 125(4);322-3. PMID:22444113

George B, Ruiz-Rodriguez E, Campbell C, Leung S, and SORRELL VL.Acute myocardial injury from carbon monoxide poisoning by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. (2014) Eur Heart J Cardiovasc, 15(4):466. PMID:24142404.

Leung S, SORRELL VL. Open Wide: Transient wide-open mitral regurgitation during transcatherter aortic valve implantation. (2014) JACC, 63(17):e45. PMID:24632285.

Research Gate Pubmed Publications