Takako Schaninger, MD
- Associate Professor
- Hospital Epidemiologist
College Unit(s)
Other Affiliation(s)
- Internal Medicine - Infectious Disease
- Internal Medicine - Bluegrass Care Clinic
Biography and Education
Fellowship - University of Kentucky Residency - University of Kentucky Medical School - University of the Ryukyus Chair, VA Infection Control Committee HIV certification from the American Academy of HIV Medicine
Prevention and control of intracardiac device related infection (12/01/2011-present) Management of HBV/HIV coinfection in Bluegrass Care Clinic (11/09/2011-05/31/2013) VA CSP#574: the efficacy and safety of prolonged use of steroids in veterans with severe community acquired pneumonia” (09/11/2011-05/23/2013) Video Monitoring for Hand Hygiene Compliance (2012-present) Epidemiology of hepatitis C in Kentucky (2013-present)
Selected Publications
Prashanth Krishnamoha, Takako Schaninger, Larry Baddour, Majdi Al-Hasan: Community Acquired Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Prostatic Abscesses: American Journal of Medical Science, 346 (4): 341-4 Oct 2013. Jidong Cheng, Hiroko Morisaki, Naomi Sugimoto, Atsushi Dohi, Takako Sugama, Edward W Holmes, Takayuki Morisaki : Effect of isolated AMP deaminase deficiency on skeletal muscle function: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (submitted 2013)