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Ritu Chakravarti, PhD


Office: (859) 562-2799; Laboratory: (859) 257-4812
800 Rose Street


  • Associate Professor

College Unit(s)

Other Affiliation(s)
  • Internal Medicine - Rheumatology
  • Microbiology, Immunology & Molecular Genetics - Joint Faculty

Biography and Education


Doctor of Philosphy: Indian Ins. Of Technology, Dehli 

Master of Science: Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, India

Bachelor of Arts: University Of Delhi



We are interested in understanding the molecular mechanism of autoimmune inflammatory diseases and identifying novel therapeutics. Previous studies published in our lab showed that 14-3-3zeta is a suppressor of rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation-induced bone loss. In addition to its adaptor function in various inflammatory cytokine signaling, it acts as a self-antigen. An immunization strategy based on this protein delays the onset of rheumatoid arthritis and suppresses inflammation of joints in animal models (patent published). In addition, it has anabolic effects on bones and increases tissue mineral density. Our current work focuses on understanding the molecular mechanism of its action and progressing the immunization strategy to pre-clinical studies.

Selected Publications

PubMed Publications