Cardiovascular Fellowship Rotations
Our rotation schedule consists of 13 four-week blocks. We pride ourselves on having the flexibility to provide customized training based on individuals career goals. Our core rotations are designed to provide an excellent foundation regardless of career path. These include:
Cardiac Care Unit
The UK Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit is a 32-bed closed ICU reserved for cardiothoracic surgery and cardiovascular medicine patients. During the CCU experience, fellows are expected to function as the junior attending on service. This includes supervising medicine residents, providing procedural oversight, and leading our multidisciplinary ICU team. In addition, UK remains an ELSO (Gold Award) Center of Excellence and provides interested fellows a unique experience to serve as primary caretakers for patients on mechanical circulatory support (e.g. ECMO, balloon pump, percutaneous LVAD, etc).
Cardiology Consult
Function as the cardiology consultant for all non-cardiology inpatient services at University of Kentucky hospital.
Floor/Observation Unit
Lead the inpatient cardiology (non-ICU) service supervising medicine residents/interns. This fellow functions as the consulting cardiologist for the UK emergency department. In addition to routine cardiology consultations and patient triage, this includes cardiovascular emergencies (e.g. STEMI, high risk NSTEMI, emergent temporary pacing wires, etc) and functioning as the on-call physician for our pulmonary embolism response team (PERT), which is housed internally within the division of cardiology.
Night Float (NF)
Cardiologist on call for both the University of Kentucky hospital and the Lexington VA hospital. This fellow provides oversight for all inpatient cardiology services and responds to cardiovascular emergencies with support from internal medicine residents.
UK/VA Cardiac Catheterization
Performance of cardiac catheterization one-on-one with interventional attending from vascular access to the end of procedure. Majority of the experience will be on the diagnostic procedure, but have opportunity to engage in interventional experience for those interested in an interventional cardiology career.
VA Non-Invasive
Interpret nuclear stress tests, echo, cardiac CT, cardiac MRI at the Lexington VAMC.
Inpatient consult service for any device or arrhythmia related issues. This rotation is focused on consultative EP in the inpatient setting and provides fellows with significant autonomy and hands on experience with device interrogation and programming. There is opportunity for an invasive experience for those interested in an electrophysiology career.
Advanced Heart Failure
Caring for inpatients and outpatients who have end-stage heart failure. This includes patients who are on mechanical circulatory support, home inotrope, LVAD, BiVAD, as well as patients who are being worked up for heart transplant or transplant recipients. Fellows will also participate in the weekly LVAD/Transplant listing meeting
Nuclear Cardiology
Interpret nuclear stress tests (SPECT and PET) and PYP amyloid studies, and go review the results with attending physicians. Fellows have the opportunity to supervise stress tests, and learn about radioisotope handling. A close working relationship with the nuclear cardiology technologists provides fellows with the 80 hours of hands-on training necessary to complete the CBNC (Certification Board of Nuclear Cardiology) requirements on-site.
Perform transthoracic echo with sonographers during the morning and interpret echoes independently with faculty oversight in the afternoon (including ASE Richard Propp Teaching Award winners Dr. Mikel Smith and Dr. Vincent Sorrell). Access to a transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography simulator (HeartWorks; intelligentultrasound.com) which has normal hearts as well as an expansive series of pathology teaching modules, provides an unique opportunity to perfect this critical skill.
CT/MRI Imaging
Gain experience in the indications/contraindications and performance of cardiac CT and MRI. We are one of the few centers that fellows will be exposed to the use of stress cardiac MRI, CT FFR, and interpretation of advanced cardiovascular imaging in complex congenital patients with pediatric cardiology imaging specialists.
Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE)
Gain experience in the indications/contraindications and hand-on performance of transesophageal echo (one-on-one with the attending). The TEE simulator (HeartWorks) allows for unlimited practice of this skill.
VA Senior
Act as the primary cardiac consultation for all of VAMC with supervision of an attending. This is one of our consistently, highest, fellow-rated rotation, which is reserved for 3rd year fellows to gain experience in autonomous practice.
Throughout your three years there are multiple opportunities for electives and we look forward to making your cardiology training as comprehensive and fruitful as possible. (e.g. intra-operative TEE, research, congenital cardiology, community cardiology, etc).