Emily Scanlon Helps Students Play the Long Game in Their Medical Careers
For medical students, education doesn’t end with Match Day or graduation. It’s a lifelong journey full of continuous learning, skill advancement, and personal growth.
As director of student success, Emily Scanlon, MEd, has the responsibility of making sure the UK College of Medicine is supporting students during, and after, medical school so they are well prepared for the challenges ahead in their careers.
“I often work with students in specific situations or for individual needs, but almost everything we discuss can be applied to their future,” Scanlon said.
Scanlon’s team has increased opportunities for academic support through programs such as peer coaching and a new academic success series, providing times for students to come together virtually to learn about test-taking tips, study methods, and more.
The team also prepares students to approach “real world” situations including time management, prioritizing, and decision making – part of life no matter what field you work, but especially important in health care.
“I feel very passionately about students achieving success academically and personally,” she said. “Learning from student experiences and about their lives is by far the most inspiring part of my job.”
Though Scanlon is stationed at the UK College of Medicine-Northern Kentucky Campus, she works directly with students on all campuses across the college’s regional sites and main campus in Lexington.
Scanlon’s career path has prepared her well for her task- and relationship-focused position in the Office of Medical Education. She previously served as student affairs officer with the Northern Kentucky Campus. She earned a bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership at Northern Kentucky University, the UK College of Medicine’s educational partner for its newest regional campus. At NKU, Scanlon was very active in extracurricular activities and leadership roles. She went on to earn her Master of Education at James Madison University.
Through these experiences, Scanlon has developed a passion for serving students through support and advocacy.
“Just as our future physicians feel called to serve patients, I truly feel called to serve learners as they grow and explore their identities and future career paths,” she said.