
Career Pathway Planning
You have made it into medical school but now what? With over 135 specialties there are many more choices to be made. Career planning during medical school starts your very first year and doesn’t finish until you receive your diploma. The University of Kentucky College of Medicine is dedicated to helping you along this path every step of the way. Our career advising program is overseen by Dr. Berry Seelbach, one of our Assistant Deans for Student Affairs and involves Learning Communities/House Faculty Advisors, Clinical Coaches, and Advanced Development Directors (ADD) plus the other Student Affairs Deans or Regional Campus Deans.
- Clinical Coaches: A faculty member assigned to 5-8 students as part of your third year Entrustment in Clinical Medicine (ECM) course. This faculty member will lead small group discussions during ECM and meet with you individually throughout your third year of medical school to discuss career planning, provide feedback on clinical skills and help you prepare for some of the general parts of your residency applications.
- Advanced Development Directors: A faculty member in a given specialty dedicated to career counseling in their specific specialty. You can meet with an ADD any time during your medical school career to learn more about their specialty and make other faculty connections. You will be required to meet with the ADD in your specialty during your third and fourth year of medical school as you are planning your fourth-year schedule and residency application process. A list of the ADDs can be found here.