Student Resources Sharepoint (Login Required)

Resources applicable to current medical students, including policies and student directories/photos

Student Conference Funds Application

Students attending a conference to present research or represent UK College of Medicine as an officer may be eligible for up to $500 reimbursement. Funds will not be distributed until conference has concluded and students return from travel, if applicable. Documentation for all reimbursable expenses must be submitted within one week of the end of conference and must include the conference program, schedule, or agenda.  Reimbursable expenses include conference registration, poster printing, travel (flight, rental car, gas), and housing. Meals are not reimbursable. Documentation must include receipt of payment as well as a copy of credit card statement or bank account in the requesting student’s name verifying that the student was charged. (Please redact/white out/strike through any charges unrelated to reimbursable expenses prior to submission.)  Students may not request reimbursement through the College of Medicine for expenses being reimbursed by other internal or external resources. Note that this application is for conference-related reimbursement only. Requests for excused absences related to the conference must be made through the Excused Absences Application.

Student Areas Report

Safe, clean, and well-maintained student areas  (i.e. student lounges, study rooms, classrooms, libraries, call rooms, etc.) are important to the UK College of Medicine.  Please report any observations of safety, cleanliness, maintenance, or other issues in student areas.  The report will go directly to the director of student services, who will ensure that student issues are resolved promptly.

Curriculum Issues 

This portal provides a mechanism for direct student input regarding curriculum issues. It should not be utilized as a replacement for course/clerkship evaluations. Instead, this site is appropriate for providing suggestions/comments on curriculum topics that are not the purview of a specific course/clerkship and on issues with longitudinal courses (concerns that need to be addressed prior to the end of the course, such as ICM/ACM/ECM). This portal should not be used to report mistreatment or professionalism issues. Mistreatment and professionalism issues can be reported via separate portals and on course/clerkship evaluations.

Excused Absences Application (Login Required)

As a professional school, the UK College of Medicine attendance and active participation are required in all components of the curriculum. If it is necessary for you to be absent from a required MD program activity, you must submit a request in accordance with the UK College of Medicine absence policy specific to your phase of the curriculum. All policies can be found on the Student Resources SharePoint linked from the Student Portal.

Exemplary Professionalism Report (Login Required)

Professionalism is a core value for all health care professionals, and our profession strives to recognize both exemplary behavior as well as acknowledging lapses.  Please report any observations of exemplary professional behavior from UK College of Medicine faculty, staff, residents, or students that reflects the professionalism competencies of the College:

  • Accountability and Responsibility: manages personal attributes, commitments and/or limitations that might impact one’s effectiveness
  • Sensitivity and Respect: demonstrates sensitivity and respect toward patient individuality, including but not limited to age, gender, ethnicity, belief system, sexual orientation, and disabilities
  • Professional and Respectful Interactions: treats patients, their families, colleagues and other health professionals with respect
  • Integrity and Ethical Behavior: demonstrates integrity and ethical behavior in all settings.

Recognition of these individuals helps foster a supportive learning environment.  

EPIC Access Request

Confidentiality Agreement (download in the student resources SharePoint site - Login Required)
For EPIC Access:  Email Ashlee Hamilton your link blue login ID, UK ID Student Number, Date of Birth (mmddyyyy), class year, and requested start date and end date.  You must also complete the linked user confidentiality agreement form and return it to Ashlee.

Professionalism Concern Report

Professionalism is a core value for all health care professionals, and our profession depends on the candid acknowledgment of professionalism lapses. Please report any observed incidents about UK College of Medicine faculty, staff, residents, or students.  The primary goal is to return any involved individual to being valued and productive members of the College. The more detail provided, the more likely College of Medicine leadership will be able to reach an appropriate resolution. Every effort will be made to preserve the anonymity of the person reporting, even if that student chooses to identify himself/herself.  College of Medicine leadership will not disclose any identifiable information unless the student gives explicit permission to do so. 

Circumstances involving discrimination or harassment can be referred directly to the University of Kentucky Office of Institutional Equity and Equal Opportunity, 859-257-8927.

Mistreatment Incident Report

“Mistreatment arises when behavior shows disrespect for the dignity of others and unreasonably interferes with the learning process.”  Please report any observed incidents about UK College of Medicine faculty, staff, residents, or students.  The more detail provided, the more likely College of Medicine leadership will be able to reach an appropriate resolution.  Every effort will be made to preserve the anonymity of the person reporting, even if that student chooses to identify himself/herself.  College of Medicine leadership will not disclose any identifiable information unless the student gives explicit permission to do so. 

Circumstances involving discrimination or harassment can be referred directly to the University of Kentucky Office of Institutional Equity and Equal Opportunity, 859-257-8927.

Financial Aid Budget Appeal

The Office of Financial Aid within the College of Medicine can offer you financial aid to cover your basic cost of attendance (COA) and living expenses during the academic year. This COA, or budget, is comprised of standard educational expenses incurred by medical students (e.g. tuition and fees, housing/living expenses, books and supplies, transportation, and personal expenses). We use average amounts for all non-tuition and fees budget items and strongly encourage you to plan and budget your expenses and aid so that you stay within the COA. We understand that in certain situations the COA budget does not accurately reflect the costs actually incurred during the academic year and in such cases, you may appeal for a budget increase for documented expenses above those allocated in the COA.