
Career Pathway Planning: M4
The fourth year of medical school also known as the Advanced Development Phase is designed to allow you to tailor your educational needs to the specialty or specialties that you are applying. There is time built in if you need to explore an elective for final decision making, as well as time for studying for Step 2 and interviewing for residency.
Goal M4 year - Apply for Residency
To complete an outstanding application to residency and successfully match. Steps to help you achieve this goal:
- Meet with a student affairs or regional dean to review the MSPE (Medical School Performance Evaluation), discuss applications and review your CV
- A copy of UK’s MSPE template can be found on the Student Affairs Canvas Site
- Research programs and complete your application using the Residency Resources found here.
- Early match deadlines are in early September, ERAS deadline late September
- Attend the M4 Class Meeting about Preparing for Interviews, including a panel
- Schedule mock interviews with your Advanced Development Director (ADD)
- Meet with your ADD to discuss your program selection and feedback from your mock interview
- Attend the optional Primary Care Day to learn about primary care residencies in KY and some surrounding states
- Interviews occur October through January
- Track your interviews through the Student Resources Sharepoint Site
- Attend the M4 Class Meeting on Preparing your Rank List
- Early Rank lists such as Urology and Ophthalmology due in January,
- NRMP rank list due in February
- Attend Match Day! (March of your graduation year)
- Attend Graduation! (May of your graduation year)