Medical Students
Medical students are the essential piece to CCRU Outreach! CCRU is a medical student-run organization, so we depend on the dedication of our medical student volunteers. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities and events that go on throughout the year. The CCRU Clinic is a year-round volunteer opportunity available to medical students. Participation allows students to gain early clinic experience, interact with other students and physicians in a real clinic learning environment, strengthen clinical skills, foster cultural humility, and build a greater understanding of health inequity and social determinants of health.
Each clinic shift, medical student positions include one triager (any year), three patient interviewers (any year), one M3/M4 patient interviewer (reserved for M3s and M4s), and one floor manager (reserved for CCRU Executive Team). Please check the Sign-Up Genius to sign up for a shift, or contact one of our student schedulers for inquiries about student volunteering. Student schedulers include Molly Daugherty (molly.daugherty@uky.edu) and Kathryn Zalla (kathryn.zalla@uky.edu).
Volunteering at the CCRU Clinic can easily fulfill various ICM requirements for first-year students. Working as a triager or patient interviewer with an appropriate portfolio entry can be used as independent learning credit; interviewing a patient with an appropriate write-up can be used to fulfill the second patient story requirement.
For M1, M2, or M3 students who wish to enhance their leadership skills further and take a more active role in CCRU Outreach operations as executive team members, applications are opened each Spring.
Undergraduate Students
Pre-medical students interested in gaining valuable experience interacting with patients are encouraged to sign up for the CCRU Clinic shadow position. Our volunteer undergraduate student assists with routine clinic operations and works with the CCRU research team to better understand the population we serve and the conditions we treat.
The student will shadow one of our upperclassman triagers or patient interviewers. Students will also be able to help out with various tasks in the clinic space such as tracking supplies used, dispensing medications, sanitizing patient beds, and helping in other ways. If you are interested in volunteering, please send a student scheduler an email. Student schedulers include Molly Daugherty (molly.daugherty@uky.edu) and Kathryn Zalla (kathryn.zalla@uky.edu).