Faculty members receive this award for outstanding contributions to the educational program and mission in one or more of the following areas: teaching, leadership, innovation, evaluation, development, and mentorship.

Brian Adkins, MD
Edwin Bowe, MD
Curtis Cary, MD
Shawn Caudill, MD
Todd Cheever, MD
Kristy Deep, MD
Christopher Doty, MD
Mary Duke, MD
Chris Feddock, MD
Chipper Griffith, MD
Donna Grigsby, MD
Steve Haist, MD
Zaki-Udin Hassan, MD
Andrew Hoellein, MD
Don Hayes, MD
April R.Hatcher, PhD
Carol Hustedde, PhD
Brian Jackson, PhD
C. Darrell Jennings, MD
Debra Katz, MD
Gary Kearl, MD
Michael King, MD

Brian MacPherson, PhD
Erich Maul, DO, MPH
Katherine McKinney, MD
Tom McLarney, MD
Kit Montgomery, MD
Dung Nguyen, MD
Jitesh Patel, MD
John Ragsdale, MD
David Randall, PhD
Annette Rebel, MD
Daniel Richardson, PhD
Gregory Rose, MD
David Rudy, MD
Sibu Saha, MD
Robert Schosser, MD
E. Berry Seelbach, MD
David Sloan, MD
Mikel Smith, MD
Dexter Speck, PhD
Jean Wiese, PhD
John Wilson, PhD