The following list contains links to a variety of web sites and tools helpful to anyone developing a research project and needing IRB approval or writing a grant. This list is also available on the Research section of Radiology’s SharePoint.

Biostatistics Consulting for Radiology

SharePoint: Radiology Research on SharePoint

Office of Research Integrity(ORI): This office managing the review of all IRB protocols. It also managing site reviews and any research integrity concerns.

E-IRB login
Starting point for developing, submitting and managing all Institutional Review Board protocols.

Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA): Help in preparing and submitting grants, managing budgets, etc.

Human Subject Protection training

CITI training:

Human Subject Protection Training (HSP) renewed every 3 years

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) renewed each year

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) renewed every 3 years

Freely Downloadable Software

SigmaPlot excellent plotting package

Statistical software such as JMP, SAS and SPSS for calculating ROC curves, etc.  

EndNote, a reference manager which works seamlessly with MS WORD

CCTS Resources

REDCap [Research Electronic Data Capture] contact Brent Seeders

Tools to explore patient cohorts:

Shrine ACT – The ACT Network is a secure, HIPAA-compliant, IRB-approved, real-time platform that allows researchers to explore and validate feasibility for clinical studies across the NCATS Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) consortium, helping them design and complete clinical studies.

I2b2 – Informatics for integrating biology and bedside query tool allows one to retrieve de-identified, aggregate counts of patient populations that match a given criteria.

TriNetX – a global health research network to optimize clinical trial design and advance clinical research for UK programs. TriNetX is a graphical user interface tool to explore and define potential patient cohorts from UKHC and a few other medical centers according to freely-defined criteria e.g. age, CPT code, etc. 

Funding Opportunities:

Grant Writing Resources Sponsored by the RSNA

Internal grants are available and coordinated through the CCTS; review funding opportunities

RSNA R&E Foundation Grants and AwardsOffers both research and education awards and grants for physicians and scientists at all levels (medical students, residents, fellows and faculty.

American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) (The Roentgen Fund): Funding available for scholarship, fellowship and other awards.

American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR): Multiple grants are available for trainees, research scientist, women leaders, research scholars and others.

Pew Charitable TrustsThis charitable organization is providing grants to new faculty members to help them launch a research career. Eligibility is limited but the support is considerable. Consider checking out their opportunites.
