Diabetes and Obesity Research
Pediatric Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH): The Role of MR Elastography and AMRA® Fat Quantification Technology to Determine Disease Severity
Abnormalities in Liver Function and MRI Imaging
PI: Sylvia Y. Ofei, MD, MPH; Co-I: James T. Lee, MD
James T. Lee, MD, Associate Professor of Radiology is a co-investigator in an important study working with Sylvia Y. Ofei, MD, MPH from the Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology to image children who have been referred to Dr. Ofei’s clinic for abnormalities in liver function. The children receive whole body and liver MR imaging to assess their body fat, liver fibrosis and liver fat. The children then enroll in an intensive counseling in diet and exercise. After six months they return for a follow up assessment including a repeat of their MR imaging. The images are analyzed to provide quantitative estimates of body fat. An example of the results for one subject are shown below. This study has received funding from the Children’s Miracle Network.