Radiology Research
Radiology investigators conduct research across all areas of radiology. Clinical trials are underway in our vascular and interventional and women’s divisions to investigate the benefits of using novel devices to treat stroke and various cancers including breast cancer. Radiology faculty are using novel imaging approaches to investigate the most devastating diseases affecting Kentuckians such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Our faculty members participate in multi-center, NIH and industry-funded trials to examine the effectiveness of novel treatments for various cancers. Using CT imaging these investigators can non-invasively monitor the progression of ovarian tumors in response to experimental therapeutic protocols – thus hastening the availability of more effective therapies for deadly cancers. Still others are investigating the efficacy of interventional treatments for stroke – seeking to find ways to treat stroke faster, more effectively, and with fewer complications.
The department of radiology promotes human subject research through its state-of-the-art medical imaging facilities distributed across the Chandler Medical Center campus. For more information regarding the many imaging technologies available for human research, click here.
Please contact us if you have interest in participating in one of our research projects or if you have ideas for starting a new one.