Abdominal Radiologist, Andres Ayoob, MD, Receives UK Academic Convocation Awards
Join us in congratulating Andres Ayoob, MD, Abdominal Radiologist, Associate Professor of Radiology. Recipient of UK Academic Convocation Awards' UK College of Medicine Distnguished Teacher Award Class of 2022 and Class of 2023. The College of Medicine Academic Convocations and Awards Ceremony is an annual presentation of awards to students and faculty for outstanding achievement in academics, service research and teaching during the previous year. The distinguished teacher's awards for classes 2022 and 2023 is awared to M1-M2 faculty members who exemplify teaching excellence and professionalism by creating an encouraging and intellectually stimulating learning environment. Awardees promote ciritcal thinking and personify the UK COM Professionalism Competences of availability, sensitivity and respect. Cirteria: student vote within each class. Ballots are provided to each medical school class for a number of different student (peer), resident, and faculty awards, all of which are write-in-ballots. The M1s across all campuses selected seven M1 professors as their best/favorite of the year, one of which was Dr. Ayoob. M2s across campuses selected six M2 professors as their best/favorite, once again one of which was Dr. Ayoob, a very high honor, indeed!