
Infectious Diseases
The division of pediatric infectious diseases is involved in the diagnosis and management of infants, children and adolescents with acute and chronic infectious diseases. Division faculty members accept referrals of patients from primary care providers and other physicians with challenging infectious disease problems or conditions in which an infectious disease is under consideration.
Some of the conditions we treat include:
- Bone and joint infections
- Congenital and other perinatally acquired infections
- Skin and soft tissue infections, including infection caused by MRSA
- Infections in immunocompromised patients
- Pneumonia
- Meningitis
- Lymphadenitis
- Endocarditis
- Other bacterial infections
- Viral infections
- Fungal infections
- Tuberculosis
- HIstoplasmosis
- Infections in immunocompromised children
- Kawasaki disease
- Fever of unknown origin
- Recurrent fevers
- Recurrent infections
- Tick and other insect-transmitted infections