Critical Care
No parent ever wants to imagine their child needing intensive care. But life-threatening illnesses and injuries do occur, and you will logically want the best possible care for your child in that circumstance.
That care can be found at the intensive care units at Kentucky Children’s Hospital. Through these various units, we provide the highest level of care for infants, children and adolescents.
Pediatric Intensive Care at Kentucky Children’s Hospital
Children aren’t small adults. They have unique and distinct medical needs, as well as anatomical and developmental differences. That means that every aspect of their care has to take those differences into consideration.
At Kentucky Children’s Hospital, all pediatric intensive care services are provided with the unique health needs of kids in mind. Whether we’re treating an illness or an injury, our team of providers works together collaboratively to diagnose and proactively treat the condition, all while also providing support to the patient’s family.
In the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and cardiac intensive care unit (CICU), patients receive critical care, meaning they are under continuous monitoring and have nurses readily available in case their condition worsens or changes. Our experienced staff can care for a range of problems in critically ill patients up through age 18, including burns, trauma injuries, cardiovascular surgery and neurosurgery, just to name a few.