Categorical Pediatrics Curriculum
PL-1 Year
Curriculum | Timespan |
General Pediatric Wards | 3 months |
School and Community Health | 1 month |
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology | 1 month |
Newborn Nursery | 1 month |
NICU | 1 month |
Pediatric ER | 1 month |
General Pediatric Clinic | 1 month |
Adolescent Medicine | 1 month |
Behavior & Development | 1 month |
Child Neurology Elective | 1 month |
PL-2 Year
Curriculum | Timespan |
General Pediatric Wards | 2 months |
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology | 1 month |
NICU | 1 month |
PICU | 1 month |
Pediatric ER | 1 month |
General Pediatrics/Acute Illness Clinic | 1 month |
Float | 1 month |
Pediatric Cardiology | 1 month |
Subspecialty Elective | 2 months |
Additional Elective/Track Rotation | 1 month |
PL-3 Year
Curriculum | Timespan |
General Pediatric Wards | 2 months |
Float | 1 month |
Newborn Nursery | 1 month |
PICU | 1 month |
General Pediatrics/Acute Illness Clinic | 1 month |
Subspecialty Elective | 3 months |
Additional Elective/Track Rotation | 3 months |
All resident must complete 4 months of core subspecialty rotations during their training. Cardiology and Neurology count as 2 of these; the 2 remaining core subspecialty electives must be selected from the "A" list of elective rotations (below). Additional subspecialty electives* may be selected from either the "A" or "B" lists.
Additional electives include required and elective rotations based on the residents' selected "Career Path"; elective Career Path rotations path may be chosen from the "A", "B", or "C" lists.
In combination, these rotations comprise the Individualized "Career Path" Curriculum, outlined below.
"A" Electives
Cardiology, Child Abuse, Child Psychiatry, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Genetics, Outpatient Hematology/Oncology, Infectious Disease, Nephrology, Neurology, Pulmonology, Rheumatology
"B" Electives
Palliative Care, Pediatric Radiology, Pediatric Surgery/Surgical Subspecialties
"C" Electives
Ambulatory Pediatric Selective, Hospitalist Elective, Research Elective, or Additional Inpatient, ED or Clinic Rotations
Pediatrics Individualized "Tracks"
General Pediatrics
Subspecialty Rotation
Additional GPC/TWC
Subspecialty Rotation
Subspecialty Rotation
Additional GPC/TWC
Additional Elective
Subspecialty Rotation
Research Rotation (*recommended - may be substituted with an alternative elective)
Subspecialty Rotation
Subspecialty Rotation
Additional Inpatient, GPC/TWC or ED
Additional Elective
Pediatric Hospitalist
Subspecialty Rotation
Subspecialty Rotation
Subspecialty Rotation
Hospitalist Elective
Additional PICU or ED
Additional Elective
Critical Care
Subspecialty Rotation
Research Rotation (*recommended - may be substituted with an alternative elective)
Subspecialty Rotation
Subspecialty Rotation
Additional ICU Rotation
Additional Elective
Career Paths
The "Career Paths" are made up of six rotations and provide an individualized portion of the curriculum, intended to enhance each resident’s pediatric training based on their specific educational needs and interests or to address deficiencies in knowledge and skills expected to be attained during the 30 Core Pediatric Rotations.
Each path has been developed by a consensus of pediatricians practicing in the field and agreed upon by the House-staff Resident Curriculum Committee and Faculty Steering Committee.
Within each path there are required rotations deemed essential to that career path and “selective rotations” in which residents can choose additional Subspecialty or Elective rotations felt to be useful for their career goals, or educational interests.
For each subspecialty there will be a list of recommended rotations to assist residents and their faculty advisors choose rotations best suited to the residents’ career goals and educational needs.
These lists are suggestions, and residents are free to choose other rotations if they would be more educationally beneficial.
"Career Paths” may be selected during the second half of the intern year, or anytime thereafter. Until otherwise specified, residents will be assigned to the General Pediatrics Career Path, in order to assure a broad education and guidance for rotation selection. Because these are intended to assist residents in rotation choices, residents are not obligated to remain in a given career path, but are free to "switch tracks" if their future goals should change.
The Career Paths are independent of the Global Health Track - meaning that participation in one does not preclude the other. Residents participating in the Global Health Track will use one of additional electives from their chosen career path for their 1 month global health rotation in their PGY-3 year.