On the left side: Notice. Intervene. Connect. Together we can keep moms protected. Sign up for free training and impact lives. On the right side, the VIP Corps logo over an image of a pregnant woman.

Research Study Alert!

Kentucky has one of the highest maternal death rates in the United States. You can help prevent them! If you are an undergraduate student, graduate student, health professional student, or law student, enter your name and email address in the linked form.

Help Save a Life

VIP Corps: Violence Intervention and Prevention

88% of maternal mortality cases are deemed to be preventable in Kentucky1!

Study Overview

VIP Corps is building capacity for prevention of maternal injuries and death due to violence. Our goal is to routinely screen women of reproductive age for factors linked with pregnancy-associated injuries or deaths including intimate partner violence (IPV), substance use (SU/D), and depression or anxiety. We will comprehensively measure both deaths and injuries to pregnant and postpartum people up to 12 months after pregnancy ends.

With VIP Corps, we seek to change our culture by creating the next generation of helping professional with the knowledge and skills to recognize the 3 primary risk factors for pregnancy-associated deaths and injuries and act to reduce these risks.

Study Aim 1: Adapt, implement and rigorously evaluate the combination of two evidence-based IPV intervention and prevention strategies using randomized controlled trial design.

Study Aim 2: Prepare the surveillance tools needed to build a comprehensive Maternal Injury Surveillance System for Kentucky to include pregnancy-associated and pregnancy related deaths and injuries.


1  Kentucky Department for Public Health. (2022). Maternal mortality review 2023 report. Kentucky Public Health.

I was familiar with the VIP Center on campus, but taking the VIP Corps training gave me the tools to take action in protecting maternal health. It covers a lot of ground such as protective factors, clinical adaptations, and cultural considerations that can improve the quality of care new parents receive. Knowing the current landscape of maternal care in the US, I love that I can play a role in decreasing maternal mortality before I'm out of school.

Rose Wood

SHOw the Path to Maternal Injury and Death

S = suicide, H = homicide, O = overdose: The three leading causes of pregnancy-associated death.
S= suicide, H= homicide, O= overdose:
The three leading causes of pregnancy-associated death.
Prevention of death by these causes is accomplished by noticing, intervening, and connecting to resources.
Card image

Contact Us

For questions about VIP Corps, or support with accessing program training or resources, please email Interested in Preventing Maternal Deaths?

Research Team

University of Kentucky
Dr. Coker

Ann Coker, PhD

Positions Held:
  • Professor of Epidemiology
  • Verizon Wireless Endowed Chair, Center for Research on Violence Against Women
Hartley Feld

Hartley Feld, PhD, MSN, RN, PHCNS-BC

Positions Held:
  • Assistant Professor
Ashley Roark

Ashley Roark, BS

Positions Held:
  • Research Network Coordinator
Ayse Guler, PhD

Ayse Guler, PhD

Positions Held:
  • Post-Doctoral Scholar
Dana Quesinberry, JD

Dana Quesinberry, JD

Positions Held:
  • Assistant Professor

Research Team

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Annelise Mennicke, PhD

Annelise Mennicke, PhD

Positions Held:
  • Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Jessica Willard, MSW

Jessica Willard, MSW

Positions Held:
  • Research Associate, School of Social Work

Funding Information


Click here to see VIP Corps funding sources

Funder: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health,

Title: State, Local, Territorial, and Tribal (SLTT) Partnership Programs to Reduce Maternal Deaths due to Violence

Number: ASTWH210102 (5 years, 2021-2026)

VIP Corps: Violence Intervention and Prevention