Ann Coker, PhD
(859) 323-6758ann.coker@uky.edu
UK Chandler Hospital C-371
- Verizon Wireless Endowed Chair on Studies on Violence Against Women
- Professor
College Unit(s)
Biography and Education
Areas of Research Interest
- Evaluation of clinic and population based intervention to prevent or reduce the impact of dating violence, sexual violence or intimate partner violence.
- Determining the mental and physical health effect and cost of intimate partner violence.
Selected Publications
- Rohatgi N, Du XL, Coker AL, Moye L, Wang M, Fang S. Chemotherapy and survival for patients with multiple myeloma: findings from a large nationwide and population-based cohort. Am J Clin Oncol. 2007 Oct;30(5):540-8.
- Coker AL, Whitaker DP, Fadden MK, Flerx VC, Smith PH. Intimate partner violence incidence and continuation in a primary care screening program. Am J Epidemiol. 2007;165(7):821-7
- Coker AL, Eggleston KS, Meyer TE, Luchok K, Prabhu Das, I. What predicts adherence to follow-up recommendations for abnormal Pap tests? Gynecologic Oncology 105(1) 2007: 74-80
- Coker, AL. Does Intimate Partner Violence Affect Sexual Health? A systematic review. Trauma, Violence & Abuse.2007;8:149-177
- Coker AL, Flerx VC, Smith PH, Whitaker DJ, Fadden MK, Williams, M. Partner violence assessment in rural health care clinic, Am J Public Health; 2007; 97(7):1319-1325
- Weston RW, Marshall LL, Coker AL. Women's motives for violent and nonviolent behaviors in conflicts.J Interpers Violence. 2007; (8):1043-65.
- Eggleston KS, Coker AL, Luchok KJ, Meyer TE. Adherence to recommendations for abnormal Pap follow-up does not differ by race. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 109(6):1332-4.
- Eggleston KS, Coker AL, Das IP, Cordray ST. Luchok KJ. Understanding barriers for adherence to follow-up care for abnormal pap tests. Journal of Women's Health. 16(3):311-30, 2007
- Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict, Three-Volume Set, 2nd Edition Associate Editor for the yet to be released Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict. London: Academic, 2008, L.R. Kurtz, Editor in Chief, Associate Editors: J.Blackwell-Johnson, B. H. Chasin, A.L. Coker, D. P. Fry, L. A. Lorentzen, A. McAlister, J. Oberg, M. Okamoto, D. Ritter.
- Westin SN, Bustillos D, Gano JB, Fields MM, Coker AL, Sun CC, Ramondetta LM. Social factors affecting treatment of cervical cancer: ethical issues and policy implications. Obstet Gynecol. 2008;111(3):747-51.
- Camp EA, Coker AL, Troisi R, Robboy JS, Noller KL, Palmer JR, Goodman KJ, Titus-Ernstoff LT, Hatch EE, Herbst AL, Kaufman RH, Adam E. Cervical screening and general physical examination behaviors of women exposed in utero to diethylstilbestrol. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2008;12(2):111-7.
- Coker AL, Sanderson M, Cantu E, Huerta D, Fadden MK. Frequency and types of partner violence among Mexican American college women. J Am College Health 2008;56:665-674.
- Liu L, Coker AL, Du XL, Cormier JN, Ford CE, Fang S. Long-Term Survival after Radical Prostatectomy Compared to Other Treatments in Older Men with Local or Regional Prostate Cancer. Journal of Surgical Oncology. J Surg Oncol. 2008;97:583-91.
- Whitworth KW, Symanski E, Coker AL. Childhood Lymphohematopoietic Cancer Incidence and Hazardous Air Pollutants in Southeast Texas, 1995-2004. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2008;116(11):1576-80
- Whitaker DJ, Hall, DM, Coker AL. (2009) Primary prevention of intimate partner violence: Toward a developmental, ecological approach. In C Mitchell & D. Anglin (Eds). IntimatePartner Violence: A Health Based Perspective(pp. 289 – 305). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Sanderson M, Coker AL, Eggleston KS, Fernandez ME, Arrastia CD, Fadden MK. HPV Vaccine Acceptance among Latinas by HPV Status. Journal of Women’s Health 200918:1793-9.
- Coker AL, Hopenhayn C, DeSimone CP, Bush HM, Crofford L. Violence against women increases cervical cancer rates. Journal of Women’s Health 2009;18:1179-85.
- Coker AL, DeSimone CP, Eggleston KS, White AL, Williams M. Ethnic disparities in cervical cancer survival among Texas women. Journal of Women's Health 2009;18:1577-83
- Camp EA, Coker AL, Robboy SJ, Noller KL, Goodman KJ, Titus-Ernstoff LT, Hatch EE, Herbst AL, Troisi R, Kaufman RH, Adam E. Breast cancer screening in women exposed in utero to diethylstilbestrol. J Womens Health. 2009;18:547-52.
- Coker AL, Williams C, Ferguson JE, Bush HM, Parrish Y, Crofford, L. Intimate or childhood sexual abuse and obesity in Kentucky. Family Violence Prevention and Health Practice, e-journalhttp://endabuse.org/health/ejournal/archive/1-7/abuse_and_obesity.php
- Coker, AL, Eggleston, KS, Du XL, Ramondetta L. Ethnic disparities in cervical cancer survival among Medicare eligible women in a multi-ethnic population. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. 2009 19(1):13-20.
- Coker AL, DeSimone CP, Eggleston KS, Hopenhayn C, Nee J, Tucker T. Smoking and survival among Kentucky women diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer: 1995-2005.Gynecol Oncol. 2009 Feb;112(2):365-9.
- Smith PH, Murray CE, Coker AL. The coping window: a contextual understanding of the methods women use to cope with battering. Violence and Victims 2010; 25(1):18-28.
- Meyer TE, Boerwinkle E, Morrison AC, Volcik KE, Sanderson M, Coker AL, Pankow JS, Folsom AR. Diabetes genes and prostate cancer in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 2010; 19(2): 558-65.
- Coker AL, Williams C, Follingstad D, Jordan C. Psychological, reproductive and maternal health, behavioral and economic impact. In Violence Against Women and Children: Consensus, Critical Analyses, and Emergent Priorities. Volume I: Mapping the Terrain. Editors: White JW, Koss MP, Kazdin AE. American Psychological Association, (2011).
- Coker AL, Williams CM, Follingstad D, Jordan C. Psychological, reproductive and maternal health, behavioral, and economic impact. In Violence Against Women and Children: Consensus, Critical Analyses, and Emergent Priorities. Volume I: Mapping the Terrain. Editors: White JW, Koss MP, Kazdin AE. Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association, 2011. pp. 265-284.
- White AR, Coker AL, Eggleston KS, Williams M. Racial/ethnic disparities in survival among men diagnosed with prostate cancer in Texas. Cancer 2011; 117(5):1080–1088.
- Coker AL, Smith PH, Whitaker DJ, Le B, Flerx VC. Effect of an In-Clinic IPV Advocate Intervention to Increase Help Seeking, Reduce Violence, and Improve Well-Being. Violence Against Women. 2012; 18:118 - 131. DOI 10.1177/1077801212437908
- Coker AL, Cook-Craig PG, Williams CM, Fisher BS, Clear CR, Garcia LS, Hegge LM. Evaluation of Green Dot: An Active Bystander Intervention to Reduce Sexual Violence on College Campuses. Violence Against Women (Special Issue) 2011: 17(6) 777–796.
- Whitworth KW, Symanski E, Lai D, Coker AL. Kriged and modeled ambient air levels of benzene in an urban environment: an exposure assessment study. Environmental Health 2011;10 (21).
- Smith PH, Murray CE, Coker AL. The coping window: a contextual understanding of the methods women use to cope with battering. Violence and Victims 2010; 25(1):18-28.
- Garcia LS, Coker AL, Williams CM, Clear ER, Jennings N, Hansen W, McFarlane J, Ferguson JE. Lessons Learned in Implementing a Psychosocial Screener in a High Risk Obstetrics Clinic. Family Violence Prevention and Health Practice. An E-Journal of Futures without Violence. Feb 12, 2012.
- Coker AL, Smith PH, Whitaker DJ, Le B, Flerx VC. Effect of an In-Clinic IPV Advocate Intervention to Increase Help Seeking, Reduce Violence, and Improve Well-Being. Violence Against Women. 2012; 18:118 - 131. DOI 10.1177/1077801212437908