Hannon Lab Awards
Awards Presented to Mentees
2021. Meredith Young, Best Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology (ABT) 395 Oral Presentation, University of Kentucky
2021. Katie Land, Featured Interviewee for UKNOW’s story titled, “UK Undergrads Earn Unparalleled Research Experience as ‘First Authors’” University of Kentucky (https://uknow.uky.edu/research/uk-undergrads-earn-unparalleled-research-...)
2020. Katie Land, 3rd Annual 5-Minute Fast Track Research Competition (finalist), University of Kentucky
2020. Katie Land, Student Employee of the Year Award (finalist), University of Kentucky
2019. Katie Land, Poster at the Capitol, Frankfort, KY (1 of 18 UK students selected to present research to Kentucky State Legislators)
2018. Madison Lane, Lalor Foundation Merit Award from the Society for the Study of Reproduction (top 20 of all submitted abstracts)