
Rachel Wallace, Administrative Support Associate to Surgery Chair Jay Zwischenberger, was recently interviewed about the role she and her toy poodle, Bella, play in brightening up the lives of young patients at Kentucky Children's Hospital. To read the original article and view the accompanying video, go to KyForward.


The Division of Plastic Surgery held the Annual Andrew M Moore Sr., MD, Visiting Professor Lectureship on April 29-30, 2011. This year’s Visiting Professor was Glenn W. Jelks, MD, FACS, Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery and Ophthalmology, NYU Medical Center, New York, New York.

Pictured left to right: Dr. Jared Nimtz, Dr. Jason Buseman, Dr. Glenn Jelks, Dr. Elizabeth Jelks, Dr. Patrick Wilson, Dr. Joe Hill and Dr. Brad Turner.