Residency Sports Medicine

This track provides a longitudinal experience in a variety of primary care sports medicine clinical and scholarly activities. It is a track which provides focus for those interested in incorporating sports medicine activities and procedures into their primary care practice or pursuing fellowship training.


Transgender patients struggle with access to quality care, as well as disparities in risk behaviors and health outcomes. The College of Medicine Department of Family and Community Medicine's approach to care provides an ideal setting for transgender patient care and training.

Integrative Medicine Track

The integrative medicine track gives residents the opportunity to complete a formal series of competency-based online modules and clinical experiences under the guidance of a faculty who is board certified in integrative medicine.

Residency Sports Medicine

Sports Track

We are pleased to offer a sports medicine track to interested incoming residents who matched in our program and have a demonstrated interest in sports medicine. This track provides a longitudinal experience in a variety of primary care sports medicine clinical and scholarly activities. It is a track which provides focus for those interested in incorporating sports medicine activities and procedures into their primary care practice or pursuing fellowship training. Sports medicine track residents work with sports medicine fellows on event and high school coverage and rotate in sports medicine as an upper level.


Additional Sports Medicine Information




Transgender patients struggle with access to quality care, as well as disparities in risk behaviors and health outcomes. 

The College of Medicine Department of Family and Community Medicine's approach to care provides an ideal setting for transgender patient care and training. 

Learn About Transgender Care

Despite curricular guidelines, structured training on transgender care remains minimal nationally. Societal acceptance of diverse sexual and gender identities means that a greater number of transgender patients seek care. 

The TransTrack aims to address this educational and care gap through a curriculum designed to meet American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) standards. 

Join Program

  • Join any time or all years. 
  • Those who complete all three years will receive a completion of track certificate and official listing on residency transcript.
  • The track requires only 30-32 hours per year outside clinic time.  
  • The track includes opportunities to present at regional or national conferences and/or publish in MedEdPORTAL.

By the end of the program...

By the end of the program, the resident should be able to:

  • Demonstrate increased knowledge of transgender patient care.
  • Demonstrate skill in assessing and counseling in a culturally appropriate manner.
  • Feel confident in assuming care of transgender patients.
  • Exhibit leadership in advocacy for gender minority health and wellness. 

What to Expect Each Year

  • Assignment to mentored LGBTQ* clinic and personal continuity clinic patients
  • Five didactic sessions for reflecting on clinic encounters, case vignettes, and discussing topical reading and role-play
  • A viewing or reading of an approved film or book from a transgender patient perspective
  • Attendance at a TransKY meeting, followed by a reflection of this experience at the community support group
  • Presentation of a transgender care topic at a local conference


Integrative Medicine Track


The integrative medicine track gives residents the opportunity to complete a formal series of competency-based online modules and clinical experiences under the guidance of a faculty who is board certified in integrative medicine.
