Clinical Services
The UK College of Medicine Department of Family and Community Medicine offers continuing and comprehensive health care and preventive services for the entire family. These include the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses and injuries for adults and children, routine gynecology services, maternity care, well-child care, immunizations, preventive check-ups, certain minor surgeries, mental health services, and primary care hospital services. Care is provided in consultation with subspecialists when needed.
We have offices in Lexington, Georgetown, Hazard, and Hindman, all of which are accepting new patients.
Same-day appointments are usually available for established patients.
Our adult patients requiring hospitalization will usually be admitted to the family medicine service at UK Good Samaritan Hospital. Some conditions require hospitalization at UK Chandler Hospital by physicians from other specialties. Our maternity care patients are admitted to either the family medicine service at UK Chandler Hospital or the obstetrics service at UK Chandler Hospital.
Infants and children requiring hospitalization will be admitted to Kentucky Children's Hospital at UK.
Our adult patients requiring hospitalization may be admitted to any of the following hospitals, depending upon their needs: Georgetown Community Hospital, UK Good Samaritan Hospital, or UK Chandler Hospital.
Infants and children requiring hospitalization will be admitted to Kentucky Children's Hospital at UK or Georgetown Community Hospital.
Hazard and Hindman
(North Fork Valley Community Health Center and June Buchanan Medical Clinic)
Most of our adult and pediatric patients seen at our Hazard and Hindman locations will be admitted to Hazard Appalachian Regional Healthcare Medical Center. Transfer to UK Chandler Hospital or Kentucky Children’s Hospital will be done if needed.
Transform Health Clinic
Your home for LGBTQ* specialized care and education. Click here for more information.