Pinar Coskun, MD
(Puh-nar Kah-skuhn)
- Clinical Faculty
College Unit(s)
Biography and Education
2020, MCI Symposium Young Investigator Travel Scholarship
2013, Alzheimer’s Association Research Scientist Award
2013, Travel Fellowship, Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC), Boston. MA
2013, Travel Fellowship, United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (UMDF), Newport Beach. CA
2007, Travel Fellowship, UMDF Mitochondrial Medicine, San Diego, CA
2005, Al Nichols Young Investigator Award, UCI, CA
1992, Ministry of Health High Education Merit Award Ankara Turkey
Selected Publications
1. Flierl A, Schriner SE, Hancock S, Coskun PE, Wallace DC. Free Radic Biol Med. 2022 Aug 1;188:312-327. The mitochondrial adenine nucleotide transporters in myogenesis. PMID: 35714845.
2. Li W, Coskun EP, Berger R, Slevin JT, Pettigrew LC. J. Movement Disorders. 2021 May:14(2):173-175. Encephalopathy and Complex Hyperkinesia in a Patient with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 Infection. PMID: 33423434
3. Zamponi E, Zamponi N, Coskun P, Quassollo G, Lorenzo A, Cannas SA, Pigino G, Chialvo D, Gardiner K, Busciglio J, Helguera P Aging Cell. 2018 Jul 20. Nrf2 stabilization prevents critical oxidative damage in Down syndrome cells. PMID: 30028071
4. Peiris H, Duffield MD, Fadista J, Jessup CF, Kashmir V, Genders A, McGee SL, Martin AM, Saiedi M, Morton N, Carter R, Cousin MA, Kokotos AC, Oskolkov N, Volkov P, Hough TA, Fisher EM, Tybulewicz VL, Busciglio J, Coskun PE, Becker A, Belichenko PV, Mobley WC, Ryan MT, Chan JY, Laybutt DR, Coates PT, Yang S, Ling C, Groop L, Pritchard MA, Keating DJ. PLoS Genet. 2016 May 19;12(5). A Syntenic Cross Species Aneuploidy Genetic Screen Links RCAN1 Expression to β-Cell Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes. PMID:27195491
5. Coskun P, Helguera P, Nemati Z, Thomas J, Bohannan RC, Schriner SE, Argueta J, Doran E, Wallace DC, Lott IT, Busciglio J. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2017 55(2):737-748. Metabolic and Growth Rate Alterations in Lymphoblastic Cell Lines Discriminate Between Down Syndrome and Alzheimer Disease. PMID:27802222
6. Thaker K, Chwa M, Atilano SR, Coskun P, Cáceres-Del-Carpio J, Udar N, Boyer DS, Jazwinski SM, Miceli MV, Nesburn AB, Kuppermann BD, Kenney MC. Neurobiol Dis. 2016 Sep;93:64-77. Increased expression of ApoE and protection from amyloid-beta toxicity in transmitochondrial cybrids with haplogroup K mtDNA. PMID: 27109188
7. Peiris H, Duffield MD, Fadista J, Jessup CF, Kashmir V, Genders AJ, McGee SL, Hough TA, Fisher EMC, Tybulewicz VLJ, Busciglio J; Coskun PE, Becker A, Belichenko PV, Mobley WC, Ryan MT, Chan JY, Laybutt DR, Coates PT, Groop L, Pritchard MA, Keating DJ. PLoS Genet. 2016 May 19;12(5). A novel Down syndrome genetic screening approach links RCAN1 expression to β-cell mitochondrial dysfunction in Type 2 diabetes. PMID: 27195491
8. Yazdi PG, Su H, Ghimbovschi S, Fan W, Coskun PE, Nalbandian A, Knoblach S, Resnick JL, Hoffman E, Wallace DC, Kimonis VE. Clin Transl Sci. 2013 Oct;6(5):347-55. Differential gene expression reveals mitochondrial dysfunction in an imprinting center deletion mouse model of Prader-Willi syndrome. PMID: 24127921
9. Walls KC, Coskun P, Gallegos-Perez JL, Zadourian N, Freude K, Rasool S, Blurton-Jones M, Green KN, Laferla FM. J Biol Chem. 2012 Aug 31;287(36):30317-27. Swedish Alzheimer's mutation induces mitochondrial dysfunction mediated by HSP60 mislocalization of APP and beta-amyloid. PMID: 22753410
10. Coskun PE, Busciglio J. Curr Gerontol Geriatr Res. 2012 ;2012:383170. Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Down's Syndrome: Relevance to Aging and Dementia. PMID: 22611387
11. Coskun P, Wyrembak J, Schriner SE, Chen HW, Marciniack C, LaFerla F, Wallace DC. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - 2012 May;1820(5):553-64. A Mitochondrial Etiology of Alzheimer and Parkinson Disease. PMID: 21871538
12. Garcia O, Torres M, Helguera P, Coskun P, and Busciglio J. PLoS ONE 2010 Dec 2;5(12):e14200. A Role for Thrombospondin-1 Deficits in Astrocyte-Mediated Spine and Synaptic Pathology in Down’s Syndrome. PMID: 21152035
13. Coskun PE, Wyrembak JS, Derbereva O, Melkonian G, Lott IT, Head E, Cotman CW, Wallace DC. J. Alzheimer’s Dis. 2010 May 12. Systemic Mitochondrial Dysfunction and the Etiology of Alzheimer Disease and Down Syndrome Dementia. PMID: 20463402
14. Kenney MC, Atilano SR, Boyer D, Chwa M, Chak G, Chinichian S, Coskun P, Wallace DC, Nesburn AB, Udar N. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2010 Mar 31. Characterization of Retinal and Blood Mitochondrial DNA from Age-related Macular Degeneration Patients. 2010, Aug; 51(8): 4289-97.
PMID: 20357205
15. Su H, Fan W, Coskun PE, Vesa J, Gold JA, Jiang YH, Potluri P, Procaccio V, Acab A, Weiss JH, Wallace DC, Kimonis VE. Neuroscience Letters. 2011 Jun 27. Mitochondrial dysfunction in CA1 hippocampal neurons of the UBE3A deficient mouse model for Angelman syndrome. PMID: 19563863
16. Atilano SR, Chwa M, Kim DW, Jordan N, Udar N, Coskun P, Jester JV, Wallace DC, Kenney MC. Cornea. 2009 May; 28(4): 426-33. Hydrogen peroxide causes mitochondrial DNA damage in corneal epithelial cells. PMID: 19411962
17. Udar N, Atilano SR, Memarzadeh M, Boyer DS, Chwa M, Lu S, Maguen B, Langberg J, Coskun P, Wallace DC, Nesburn AB, Khatibi N, Hertzog D, Le K, Hwang D, Kenney MC. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2009 Jun; 50(6): 2966-74. Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups associated with age-related macular degeneration. PMID: 19151382
18. Subramaniam V, Golik P, Murdock DG, Levy S, Kerstann KW, Coskun PE, Melkonian GA, Wallace DC. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2008 Jul-Aug; 1777(7-8): 666-75. MITOCHIP assessment of differential gene expression in the skeletal muscle of Ant1 knockout mice: coordinate regulation of OXPHOS, antioxidant, and apoptotic genes. PMID: 18439414
19. Fan W, Waymire KG, Narula N, Li P, Rocher C, Coskun PE, Vannan MA, Narula J, Macgregor GR, Wallace DC. Science. 2008 Feb 15; 319(5865): 958-62A mouse model of mitochondrial disease reveals germline selection against severe mtDNA mutations. PMID: 18276892
20. Schriner SE, Linford NJ, Martin GM, Treuting P, Ogburn CE, Emond M, Coskun PE, Ladiges W, Wolf N, Van Remmen H, Wallace DC, Rabinovitch PS. Science. 2005 Jun 24; 308 (5730): 1909-11. Extension of murine life span by overexpression of catalase targeted to mitochondria. PMID: 15879174
21. Atilano SR, Coskun P, Chwa M, Jordan N, Reddy V, Le K, Wallace DC, Kenney MC. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science.
2005 Apr; 46(4): 1256-63. Accumulation of mitochondrial DNA damage in keratoconus corneas. PMID: 15790887
22. Flierl A, Chen Y, Coskun PE, Samulski RJ, Wallace DC. Gene Ther. 2005 Apr; 12(7): 570-8. Adeno-associated virus-mediated gene transfer of the heart/muscle adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT) in mouse. PMID: 15647764
23. Coskun PE, Beal MF, Wallace DC. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
2004 Jul 20; 101(29): 10726-31. Alzheimer's brains harbor somatic mtDNA control-region mutations that suppress mitochondrial transcription and replication. PMID: 15247418
24. Coskun PE, Ruiz-Pesini E, Wallace DC. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 2003; 100(5): 2174-6. Control region mtDNA variants: longevity, climatic adaptation, and a forensic conundrum. PMID: 12606714
25. Melov S, Doctrow SR, Schneider JA, Haberson J, Patel M, Coskun PE, Huffman K, Wallace DC, Malfroy B. Journal of Neuroscience 2001 Nov 1; 21(21): 8348-53. Lifespan extension and rescue of spongiform encephalopathy in superoxide dismutase 2 nullizygous mice treated with superoxide dismutase-catalase mimetics. PMID: 11606622
26. Kokoszka JE, Coskun P, Esposito LA, Wallace DC. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2001 Feb 27; 98(5): 2278-83. Increased mitochondrial oxidative stress in the Sod2 (+/-) mouse results in the age-related decline of mitochondrial function culminating in increased apoptosis. PMID: 11226230
27. Sandbach JM, Coskun PE, Grossniklaus HE, Kokoszka JE, Newman NJ, Wallace DC. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2001 Sep; 42(10): 2173-8. Ocular pathology in mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (Sod2)-deficient mice. PMID: 11527927
28. Melov S, Schneider JA, Coskun PE, Bennett DA, Wallace DC. Neurobiology of Aging 1999 Sep-Oct; 20(5): 565-71. Mitochondrial DNA rearrangements in aging human brain and in situ PCR of mtDNA. PMID: 10638530
29. Melov S, Coskun PE, Wallace DC. Mutation Research 1999 Jul 30; 434(3): 233-42. Mouse models of mitochondrial disease, oxidative stress, and senescence. PMID:10486594
30. Melov S, Coskun P, Patel M, Tuinstra R, Cottrell B, Jun AS, Zastawny TH, Dizdaroglu M, Goodman SI, Huang TT, Miziorko H, Epstein CJ, Wallace DC. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 1999 Feb 2; 96(3): 846-51. Mitochondrial disease in superoxide dismutase 2 mutant mice. PMID: 9927656
31. Melov S, Schneider JA, Day BJ, Hinerfeld D, Coskun P, Mirra SS, Crapo JD, Wallace DC. Nature Genetics 1998 Feb; 18(2): 159-63. A novel neurological phenotype in mice lacking mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase. PMID: 9462746
Peer Reviewed Abstracts
E.P. Coskun, R.P. Vasireddy, S.V. Mathias. (2022) Should we consider SSRI combined Levetiracetam therapy in elderly patients for behavioral outcomes? Presented at 2022 Neurology Trainee Research symposium, UKY
W. Lee, P. Coskun, J. Lee. (2022) Characterization and Comparison of Hospitalization Outcomes between Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Urinary Tract Infection in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients. Presented at ISC and will be presented at AAN.
E.P. Coskun, A. Abadir, B. Swaroop, (2018) Anemia in the backdrop of an ongoing chronic disease could come from another source. 27th ACP Southern California Chapters I, II and III Poster Competition, Huntington Beach, California
MC Potier, F. Corlier, J Lainé, I. Rivals, A. Loistron, JM Delabar, P. Coskun, IT. Lott, C. Duyckaerts (2013) The endosomal compartment in Down syndrome with or without Alzheimer’s disease. Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, Nanosymposium #208
PE Coskun, Z. Nemantinejad, PH. Schwarts, DJ. Brick, J. Busciglio (2013) Mitochondrial dysfunction in Autism fibroblasts. Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Annual meeting. Abstr. #31
PE Coskun, J. Thomas, Z. Nemantinejad, E. Doran, J. Busciglio, and IT Lott. (2012) Metabolic and Growth deficit in Down Syndrome Lymphoblastoid cells. Child Neurology Meeting Abst #DD31
PE Coskun, J Wyrembak, O Derbeneva, E Doran, E Head, IT Lott, C Cotman and DC Wallace. (Jan. 2010) Accumulation of mitochondrial DNA somatic mutations from the brains and blood in normal aging and dementia. 15th Longevity Consortium Symposium.
PE Coskun, O Derbeneva, J Wyrembak, E Doran, E Head, IT Lott, and DC Wallace. (2008) mtDNA somatic mutation accumulation in individuals with Down syndrome. Child Neurology Meeting Abst #3
H Su, W Fan, J. Vesa, PE Coskun, JA Gold, YH Jiang, A Acab, JH Weiss, DC Wallace, VE Kimonis (2008) Brain mitochondrial dysfunction may contribute to phenotypes of Angelman syndrome in the Ube3a deficient mice. Am. J. Hum. Genet. Program number: 1549
MC Kenney, SR Atilano, M Chwa, DS Boyer, D Hwang, P Coskun, DC Wallace, AB Nesburn, N Udar (2008) Variations in the Control Region of the Mitochondrial DNA in Age-Related Macular Degeneration Retinas. ARVO #249/A505.
PE Coskun, O Derbeneva, E Head, V Procaccio, IT Lott, DC Wallace (2007). Somatic mtDNA control region mutations and their effects in Down syndrome with Alzheimer dementia. Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Annual meeting. Abstr. #86
PE Coskun, OA Derbeneva, E Head, IT Lott, DC Wallace (2005) MtDNA control region mutations in the brains of patients with Down Syndrome with Dementia. Neurosci. Abst.
PE Coskun, E Doran, IT Lott, D.C. Wallace (2005) Developmental Aspects of Dementia in Down Syndrome: mtDNA Control Region Mutations in Brain. 34th Annual Child Neurology Society Meeting
D Wallace, E Ruiz-Pesini, PE Coskun (2004). Genetic evidence for a mitochondrial etiology of Alzheimer Disease (AD) Am. J. Hum. Genet. Program number: 2326.
PE Coskun, DC Wallace (2003). MtDNA control region mutations in Alzheimer’s brain. Neurosci. Abst. 944.23
PE Coskun, SE Levy, CR Buck, DC Wallace (2001). Sod2 KO mice exhibit a reduced expression of OXHPOS genes. Neurosci. Abst. 27: 871.
JE Kokoszka, PE Coskun, SE Levy, LE Esposito, DC Wallace (2000). Mitochondrial oxidative stress results in a decline of mitochondrial function and increased apoptosis with age in the Sod2+/- mouse. Am. J. Hum. Genet. Vol.67 No.4 Suppl.2; 1618.
PE Coskun, SE Levy, BJ Day, JD Crapo, DC Wallace. (2000) Brain gene expression analysis using DNA microarrays of Sod2 knockout mice treated with the synthetic antioxidant MnTBAP. Am. J. Hum. Genet. Vol.67 No.4 Suppl.2; 1616.
BC Jessie, CQ Sun, HR Irons, FF Marshall, PE Coskun, DC Wallace, JA Petros (2000). Accumulation of mitochondrial DNA deletions in the malignant prostate cancer. The 92nd American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting
J Bilger, S Melov, PE Coskun, JD Crappo, BJ Day, DC Wallace. Cardiac gene expression profiling in a mouse model of mitochondrial disease by chip technology: Analysis of SOD2 Knockout mice treated with synthetic antioxidants. (March 1999) 4th European Meeting on Mitochondrial (Pathology). Abstr P82
Energy Metabolism and Cellular Function in Down Syndrome. T21RS International Conference; Paris, FRANCE, April, 2015
Tools to study Dementia development in Down syndrome. Northeastern IDDRC consortium research program on mitochondrial biology and Down Syndrome; Philedelphia, PA, USA. , October, 2015
Metabolic changes and mitochondrial dysfunction in Autism. UMDF Annual meeting; Newport Beach, CA, USA. , June 13, 2013
Mitochondrial dysfunction in Dementia. 1st ReMIND Emerging Scientist Symposium, University of California, Irvine, CA, March 9, 2010
Increased mtDNA control region mutations in Down Syndrome Dementia and Alzheimer Disease brains. Expert Workshop on the Biology of Chromosome 21 Genes: Towards Gene-phenotype Correlations in Down Syndrome; Washington, DC, USA., October , 2007
MtDNA Control Region Somatic Mutations in Alzheimer and Down Syndrome with Dementia. Southern California Mitochondrial Meeting. CalTech, Pasadena, CA, Sept. 14, 2005
Mitochondrial Genetics and Alzheimer's Disease. Regional Alzheimer’s Disease Research Conference. Irvine, CA, July 29, 2005, Oct. 13, 2005
Developmental Aspects of Dementia in Down Syndrome: mtDNA Control Region Mutations in Brain. 34th Annual Child Neurology Society Meeting, Los Angeles, CA
Oxidative Stress, Chromosome 21 & Understanding mtDNA Mutations in Development of Dementia. Expert Workshop on the Biology of Chromosome 21: towards gene-phenotype correlations in Down syndrome. Washington D.C., June 14, 2004