Residency Interview Information

2023 - 2024 Interviews
For academic year 2023-2024, there are seven PGY-1 adult neurology positions and two PGY-1 child neurology position. Applications are accepted through Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). All candidates are considered holistically and invitations for interviews are extended based upon the totality of this review. All interviews will be virtual for the 2023-2024 season.
There is a virtual meet and greet the evening before, hosted by current residents. This allows for an ideal opportunity to become acquainted with one another before your big day.
On the day of your interview, candidates will arrive virtually at 7 a.m. on a Zoom platform. Next, you will hear a program overview given by the department chair and program director. This is the department’s opportunity to highlight our top-notch training program and new hospital facilities. Immediately following is the opportunity to observe our Grand Rounds Conference. The remainder of the day will be split between interview sessions, brief breaks, which may include the opportunity to chat with residents who “drop in” as time allows. Your day will conclude by 4 p.m.
Due to the volume of applications, status updates are difficult to manage. Please be assured that all applications are under review and should you be selected to interview you will receive an email from the program director. Voice messages and emails will not be returned.
Medical Student Evaluation Letter from Dean
3 Letters of Recommendation
(including at least one from a Neurology faculty or attending-level physician)
Neurology Residency Frequently Asked Questions.
More information is available and required paperwork may be reviewed at the UK GME Application Website.