General Information

There are approximately 600 patients with multiple sclerosis that are managed by the University of Kentucky Multiple Sclerosis Clinic.  About an equal number present annually for confirmation of the diagnosis, but are either managed by community neurologists or diagnosed with other disorders. The UK MS Clinic carries the prestigious National Multiple Sclerosis Society MS Clinic designation and provides not only advanced level diagnostic skills, but also sophisticated management for complex patients with MS unresponsive to platform therapies. The MS Clinic also provides novel therapies to patients with MS through its clinical trials with an emphasis on primary progressive and secondary progressive MS, disorders which historically have been poorly responsive to standard treatment.  The physicians staffing this clinic also have expertise in neuroimmunological disorders and diagnosis and manage individuals with the neurological complications of connective tissue disorders, paraneoplastic disease, and other autoimmune disorders. 

The neuro-immunology and multiple sclerosis program specializes in the evaluation, treatment and research into immunological disorders that effect the nervous system as well as viral infections that invade the brain. Specifically, multiple sclerosis (which is an immunological disorder of the nervous system) and AIDS (which is an acquired immune deficiency due to HIV infection) form the bulk of the disorders under this program. 

Several other infections that invade the brain in immune deficient patients with AIDS are also treated as well as primary disorders that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves caused by HIV infection alone are treated in the neuro-AIDS clinic. 

The faculty in this program are involved in a number of clinical and basic science research projects that are all targeted to develop new modes of treatment and to better understand the pathogenesis of these disorders.