Profile picture for user kbpo224

Kyle Polley, MD


  • GME Resident

College Unit(s)

Biography and Education

Learner Information

Why did you choose the University of Kentucky?

I chose the University of Kentucky because I am originally from Lexington, KY and grew up here from birth to 22 years of age. My mother, father, brother his wife and my nephew all live here and many lifelong friends live here as well. Residency is a stressful time and it is necessary to have a large support group to make it through and Lexington had that for me. Overall, Lexington is one of my favorite cities to live in with all the different activities and entertainment it offers. I am glad to be back and look forward to see what my next steps are in life in this city or after.

What do you like about your program?

I like the fact that I get to work with patients in the community I grew up in. I am passionate about public health and making the changes necessary to give access to all members of all communities. It is exciting for me to learn about all the different public health needs and concerns in this area and being in this clinic helps me to achieve my goals of making lasting impacts in the public health sector. I also just enjoy the staff and other residents in the program. They are all helpful and very down to earth people that make getting through the week much easier than I could have ever expected while also learning so much on the way.

What are your hobbies?

I love to keep up with all sports including UK Basketball and Football, Cincinnati Bengals, New York Yankees and the LA Clippers. I also love spending time at craft breweries play trivia with my friends and family. I enjoy being active and workout 5 to 6 times a week to make sure that my anxiety is reduced throughout the week. Overall, I just enjoy listening to podcasts and watching TV shows and have clocked too many hours to go into all the shows on here.


Current Year: PGY-3