Yipeng Sui was awarded the American Heart Association (AHA) Atherosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) Travel Award for Young Investigators. The international meeting will be held in Chicago at the upcoming American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. This award recognizes meritorious work by young investigators in training, encourages participation in the AHA Scientific Sessions, and provides a stipend to help defer travel expenses to present their work at the AHA Scientific Sessions.

Paul Mueller was awarded the American Heart Association (AHA) Atherosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) Travel Award for Young Investigators.  The international meeting will be held in Chicago at the upcoming American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. This award recognizes meritorious work by young investigators in training, encourages participation in the AHA Scientific Sessions, and provides a stipend to help defer travel expenses to present their work at the AHA Scientific Sessions.

Mechanisms of aortic aneurysm formation: translating preclinical studies into clinical therapies.
Heart. 2014 Oct 1;100(19):1498-1505. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2014-305648. Epub 2014 Jul 24.
Davis FM, Rateri DL, Daugherty A.


LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 9, 2014) – The University of Kentucky has been awarded research grants totaling $1.26 million by The American Heart Association. 

The nine grants will fund research underway at the Gill Heart Institute's Saha Cardiovascular Research Center and the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. 


Tori Stromp was awarded the Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention travel award to the upcoming American Heart Association Scientific Sessions in Chicago, IL. This award recognizes meritorious work by young investigators in training, encourages participation in the AHA Scientific Sessions, and provides a stipend to help defer travel expenses to present their work at the AHA Scientific Sessions. The award ($1,500) is distributed to a select number of young investigators based on the score of the submitted abstract.

The University of Kentucky 2014 Aortic Symposium was held September 4-6, 2014 at the University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center.  The event was a huge success as it highlighted cutting-edge research from bench top to clinical care of those suffering from aortic diseases.   Almost 200 people attended events ranging from an Early Career Program and Networking Reception to Scientific Sessions and an Awards Dinner. 

A team of investigators has made a thought-provoking discovery about a type of cholesterol previously believed to be a "bad guy" in the development of heart disease and other conditions. Jason Meyer, a University of Kentucky M.D.-Ph.D.
Prabhakara R Nagareddy, a scientist with the Saha Cardiovascular Research Institute at the University of Kentucky, has received a prestigious K99/R00 award from the National Institutes of Health. Also known as the Pathway to Independence (PI) Award, this grant provides two years of mentored postdoctoral support followed by three years of independent support.

Most people hear the word "artifact" and think of amazing items found by archeologistsat a dig -- objects that shed light on bygone cultures.

For Dr. Vincent Sorrell, and his colleagues on the Gill Heart Institute's Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging team, the thought of artifacts means a challenge but one they have worked to overcome.


At first glance, it may not seem that the chair of cardiothoracic surgery in the University of Kentucky College of Medicine and a horticultureextension professor and specialist in the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment would share the same research interests.   But Sibu Saha and his son&nbsp

The National Institutes of Health has renewed a 5-year, $1.2 million grant to the University of Kentucky to help prepare clinical scholars for leadership positions in cardiovascular research. The UK Training Program for Clinical Scholars in Cardiovascular Science prepares clinical and postdoctoral fellows in medicine, nursing and pharmacy to assume leadership positions directing multidisciplinary research in the field of cardiovascular medicine. "The University of Kentucky has invested substantial resources to develop a highly collaborative training environment that leverages our strength

The Saha Cardiovascular Research Center’s Moriel Vandsburger, Ph.D., was elected Associate Member of the NMR in Biomedicine Editorial Advisory Board in recognition of his early-career contributions.

Hepatic scavenger receptor BI protects against polymicrobial-induced sepsis through promoting LPS clearance in mice. Guo L, Zheng Z, Ai J, Huang B, Li XA. J Biol Chem. 2014 Apr 9. [Epub] PMID: 24719333


Increased atherosclerosis in mice with increased vascular biglycan content. Thompson JC, Tang T, Wilson PG, Yoder MH, Tannock LR. Atherosclerosis. 2014 Apr 15;235(1):71-75. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2014.03.037. [Epub] PMID: 24816040


Bisphenol A Increases Atherosclerosis in Pregnane X Receptor-Humanized ApoE Deficient Mice. Sui Y, Park SH, Helsley RN, Sunkara M, Gonzalez FJ, Morris AJ, Zhou C. J Am Heart Assoc. 2014 Apr 22;3(2):e000492. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.113.000492. PMID: 24755147


Platelets protect from septic shock by inhibiting macrophage-dependent inflammation via the cyclooxygenase 1 signalling pathway. Xiang B, Zhang G, Guo L, Li XA, Morris AJ, Daugherty A, Whiteheart SW, Smyth SS, Li Z. Nat Commun. 2013;4:2657. doi: 10.1038/ncomms3657. PMID: 24150174


Adipose tissue macrophages promote myelopoiesis and monocytosis in obesity. Nagareddy PR, Kraakman M, Masters SL, Stirzaker RA, Gorman DJ, Grant RW, Dragoljevic D, Hong ES, Abdel-Latif A, Smyth SS, Choi SH, Korner J, Bornfeldt KE, Fisher EA, Dixit VD, Tall AR, Goldberg IJ, Murphy AJ. Cell Metab. 2014 May 6;19(5):821-35. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2014.03.029. PMID: 24807222


Deficiency of the NR4A orphan nuclear receptor NOR1 in hematopoietic stem cells accelerates atherosclerosis. Qing H, Liu Y, Zhao Y, Aono J, Jones KL, Heywood EB, Howatt D, Binkley CM, Daugherty A,  Liang Y, Bruemmer D. Stem Cells. 2014 May 8. doi: 10.1002/stem.1747. [Epub] PMID: 24806827 


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The University of Kentucky Aortic Program is proud to present the 2014 University of Kentucky Aortic Symposium on Thursday, September 4, - Saturday, September 6 in Lexington, KY. This event will provide a forum for the integration of basic science and clinical care discussions. It will feature talks on aortic aneurysmal diseases from leading experts, as well as abstracts in the form of oral and poster sessions. The Symposium will also include forums for networking that will particularly focus on early career investigations.