2023 Cardiovascular Research Day

About the Event
October 20, 2023
Central Bank Center
Grand Ballrooms
430 W. Vine St.
Lexington, KY 40507
2023 Photos
Click the link to access photos from Cardiovascular Research Day 2023. Thank you to all those who attended.
The Gill Awards

Gill Heart and Vascular Institute
Outstanding Contributions in Cardiovascular Research
Joseph C. Wu, MD, PhD
Director, Stanford Cardiovascular Institute
Simon H. Stertzer, MD, Professor of Medicine and Radiology
Stanford University School of Medicine
President, American Heart Association

Gill Heart and Vascular Institute
Early Career Award
Rebecca Haeusler, PhD
Associate Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology
Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center
Columbia University Medical Center
Gill Heart and Vascular Institute
Poster Presentations
2023 Winners
Undergraduate Poster Award: Seth Brunner
Stewart Whitman Award: Matt Thomas
Outstanding Post Doc (2nd Place) Award: Martha Sim
Deneys Van der Westhuyzen Award: Chen Zhang
Outstanding Graduate Student (2nd Place): Alex Pettey
Outstanding Graduate Student (3rd Place): Victoria Alvord & Nermin Ahmed
Outstanding Staff: Taesik Gwag
Rapid Fire Poster Presentation: Jimmy Xue
Outstanding Medical Student: Samantha Xu
Rapid Fire Presentations
Selected abstracts (3-5) submitted by staff and trainees will be presented in five minute oral presentations followed by Q&A from a faculty panel. The panel will award $500 to the best presentation based on quality of the science and effective communication.
Selected from abstracts submitted by September 29.
Trainee Presentations
Selected abstracts (2) submitted by trainees will be presented in ten minute oral presentations followed by Q&A from attendees.
Selected from abstracts submitted by September 29.
90 Second Poster Advertisements
Staff and trainees have the opportunity to market their science and poster in 90-second advertisements.
All abstracts are eligible. Prior registration required.
Poster Presentations
Staff and trainees will present their work in a judged poster session. Cash prizes are awarded for the best presentations by staff, postdoc, graduate student, and undergraduates.
Posters are judged in 10-minute timed sessions. Presenters should budget five minutes to present their poster with five minutes for the judge's questions. All attendees are assigned a poster to judge, so presenters should be prepared to present their work succinctly and to a broad audience. After the judged sessions, presenters will remain at their posters for the general poster session.
Poster size is recommended at 36in x 48in landscape format.
All abstracts are eligible. Prior registration is required.
Event Speakers

Career Development Speaker
Joseph A. Hill, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine and Molecular Biology
James T. Willerson, MD
Distinguished Chair in Cardiovascular Diseases
Frank M. Ryburn, Jr. Chair in Heart Research
Director, Harry S. Moss Heart Center
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Editor-in-Chief, Circulation

Alumni Presentation
Alison Bailey, MD
Physician Director
Cardiovascular Disease
HCA Healthcare, Chattanooga, TN

Special Presentation
Mary Walsh, MD
Medical Director, Cardiovascular Research Institute
St Vincent Heart Center, Indianapolis, IN
Past President, American College of Cardiology
Assistant Professor Showcase

Lindsay Czuba, PhD
Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy

Cheavar Blair, PhD
Assistant Research Professor, College of Medicine

Hongbing Fan, PhD
Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment
Event Sponsors