2022 Cardiovascular Research Day

About the Event
Oct. 28, 2022
Central Bank Center
Grand Ballrooms
430 W. Vine St.
Lexington, Kentucky 40507
Schedule of the Day
Abstract Book
Flickr Photos
The Gill Awards

Gill Heart and Vascular Institute
Outstanding Contributions in Cardiovascular Research
Kathryn Moore, PhD
Jean and David Blechman Professor of Cardiology
Department of Cell Biology
New York University

Gill Heart and Vascular Institute
Early Career Award
Scott Cameron, MD, PhD
Section Head
Vascular Medicine
Cleveland Clinic
Presentation Opportunities
NEW: Rapid Fire Presentations
Up to five staff and trainees will have five minutes to present their research project followed by a short Q&A session from a panel composed of faculty. The panelist along with Research Day attendees will vote for their favorite project. Cash prize of $500 is awarded for the winning presentation.
Selected from abstracts submitted by October 7.
Trainee Presentations
Two trainee will present 10-minute presentations followed by Q&A from attendees.
Selected from abstracts submitted by October 7.
90 Second Poster Advertisements
Staff and trainees have the opportunity to drive traffic to their posters in 90-second advertisements.
All abstracts are eligible. Prior registration required.
Poster Presentations
Staff and trainees will present their work in a judged poster session. Cash prizes are awarded for best presentations by Staff, Postdoc, Graduate Student, and Undergraduates.
DIFFERENT THIS YEAR! - Posters are judged in 10 minute timed sessions. Presenters should budget 5 minutes to present their poster with 5 minutes for judge's questions. All attendees are assigned a poster to judge so presenters should be prepared to present their work succinctly and to a broad audience. After the judged sessions, presenters will remain at their posters for the general poster session.
Poster size is recommended at 36in x 48in landscape format.
All abstracts are eligible. Prior registration required.
Event Speakers

Lunchtime Speaker
Matt Devalaraja, DVM, PhD
University of Kentucky Alumnus
Founder, CEO
Nipuna Therapeutics
Entrepreneurism in Science: A multidisciplinary effort to translate from bench to bedside

Alumni Speaker
Moriel Vandsburger, PhD
Associate Professor
Timothy and Karen Guertin
Chair in Bioengineering
University of California at Berkeley
How non-invasive imaging of physiology can accelerate the next generation of cardiovascular disease research and development
Assistant Professor Showcase

Meredith Duncan, PhD
Public Health

Congqing Wu, PhD

Robin Shoemaker
Agriculture, Food and Environment
Congratulations to our Poster Presentation Award Winners
Rapid Fire Presentation
Samantha Xu
Baylor College of Medicine
Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Presentations
David Graf
Mississippi State University
Katelyn Collins
University of Kentucky
David Schneider
Centre College
Outstanding Staff Poster Presentation
Ting Zhou
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Graduate Student Poster Presentation
Alex Pettey - 3rd Place
University of Kentucky
Holly Sucharski - 2nd Place
Ohio State University
Mikala Zelows - Deneys Van Der Westhuyzen Award
University of Kentucky
Postdoc Poster Presentations
Kimberly Rebello - 2nd place
Baylor College of Medicine
Abhilash Prabhat - Steward Whitman Award
University of Kentucky
Event Sponsors