
 Graduate students at the University of Kentucky have been awarded research grants totaling over $80,000 by the American Heart Association.

These grants will fund three graduate student researchers within the Department of Physiology and Saha Cardiovascular Research Center in studying apporaches to cardiovascular dieseases and health.

The grants are:


Dr. Tannock joined UK in 2004 and is now the chief of endocrinology in the Department of Internal Medicine as well as the associate director of the Barnstable Brown Diabetes Center. Endocrinologists study and treat hormone-related diseases, such as diabetes and thyroid disease. Some of Dr. Tannock's clinical interests include diabetes and insulin resistance, cholesterol disorders and transgender medicine. Barnstable Brown is one of the few centers in Kentucky to offer hormonal management therapies to transgender individuals.


Zhong Zheng , Junting Ai , Ling Guo , Xiang Ye , Subbarao Bondada , Deborah Howatt**, Alan Daugherty*, and Xiang-An Li*



Hong S. Lu*, Ann Marie Schmidt , Robert A. Hegele , Nigel Mackman , Daniel J. Rader , Christian Weber , and Alan Daugherty*


Chia-Hua Wua, Alan Daugherty*, and Hong Lu*

This commentary summarizes three recent publications that  have  elucidated effects of mediator subunit 1 (MED1) [3&&], Ca2þ/calmodu- lin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) [4&&], and melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1-R) [5] in macro- phages in the development of atherosclerosis.


The NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) on Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases, in collaboration with the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (CCTS) announce the availability of limited funds to support pilot projects focused on research examining obesity-associated diseases.


Chia-Hua Wu, Shayan Mohammadmoradi, Jeff Z. Chen, Hisashi Sawada**, Alan Daugherty* and Hong S. Lu*

SOP Onboarding: Cardiovascular Research Center & Physiology

Collect the following information - most of the following captured information will be need to complete the Onboarding SOPs.




Graduate Student

Fellow/Post Doc

Primary PI Affiliation


Yuri M. Klyachkin, Amr Idris, Christopher B. Rodell, Himi Tripathi, Shaojing Ye, Prabha Nagareddy, Ahmed Asfour, Erhe Gao, Rahul Annabathula, Mariusz Ratajczak, Jason A. Burdick, Ahmed Abdel-Latif* 


Last week, more than 200 faculty, staff, and trainees from across the nation attended the Gill Heart & Vascular Institute's Cardiovascular Research Day to share the latest research on cardiovascular health. 

The event, in its 21st year, showcased the research of postdoctoral fellows, students, and faculty, much of it focused on the prevention or reversal of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes. 


The 21st Annual Gill Heart Association Cardiovascular Research Day was a huge success, thanks to  the expectional presentations from our trainees,
staff, and featured speakers! This year featured over 60 poster presentations, a huge thank you to all who participated. 

The following are the winners for this year’s Poster Presentations:

Top Poster Presenters:

Outstanding Graduate Student Poster Presentation “The Deneys van der Westhuyzen Award”: Hsuan Peng

2018 CVRD Desktop Wallpaper.jpg

Research Blitz Judging

Detailed Event Schedule

Brief Event Schedule

2018 Abstract Book


The 21st Annual Gill Heart Cardiovascular Research Day is this Friday, September 21! 


The 21st annual Gill Heart Cardiovascular Research Day is this Friday, September 21! 

In promoting environmental sustainability, this year’s Research Day will be paperless. Be sure to bring your laptop or other mobile device! Complimentary free Wi-Fi will be provided for all attendees.

Wi-Fi name: SahaCVRC - no password required 

See below for the event schedule and abstract book:

Click here for the schedule of the day


Preetha Shridas, Maria C. De Beer*, Nancy Webb*



This year’s Cardiovascular Research Day welcomes four trainee presentations from across several areas of the university. Two blocks of trainee presentations will highlight unique studies into cardiovascular research.

Sawada, H**., B. C. Wright, J. Z. Chen, H. S. Lu*, and A. Daugherty* August 2018 - no abstract Despite major advances in hypertension therapy, even optimally treated hypertensive patients have high mortality compared to normotensive subjects. One manifestation of hypertension is aortic remodeling that predisposes to several cardiovascular diseases. There are still many unknowns on the mechanisms of the cellular and structural changes of hypertension-induced aortic remodeling.
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Click here to register for Research DayFeatured Speakers

Mary McDermott, M.D.

Jeremiah Stamler Professor, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Patricia G. Wilson, Joel C. Thompson, Preetha Shridas, Patrick J. McNamara, Maria C. de Beer*, Frederick C. de Beer*, Nancy R. Webb*, Lisa R. Tannock* Objective— SAA (serum amyloid A) is a family of acute-phase reactants that have proinflammatory and proatherogenic activities. SAA is more lipophilic than apoA-I (apolipoprotein A-I), and during an acute-phase response, 10% of plasma SAA is found lipid-free.
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Registration is now open for the 21st annual University of Kentucky Gill Heart Institute Cardiovascular Research Day! Hurry, registration and abstract submission closes on September 7. Click Here to Register! Learn more about this year's event including featured speakers, faculty presentations, and schedule of the day - 21st Cardiovascular Research Day.