Arguably, conditions could not have been more perfect for Pete Rogers, representing Team Surgery Shenanigans, to take the annual Polar Plunge for Special Olympics of Kentucky on Saturday afternoon, February 20.

Two years ago, when Pete made his first plunge into the swimming pool located in the parking lot of the Texas Roadhouse on Richmond Road, the temperature was in the 30s. “It was truly ‘polar’ that time,” Pete said.

In 2015, the event was cancelled due to a pending blizzard.

But in the most recent Polar Plunge, a warming trend brought spring-like weather to the fundraiser. It was a pleasant 62 degrees on Saturday afternoon when Pete mounted the stage in blue suit, UK blue oxford, matching blue and white striped tie, and a jaunty English cap. After a brief bow to the crowd, he turned and went in backward.

Click here to see video of Pete’s 2016 Polar Plunge.

Team Surgery Shenanigans raised $240 for Special Olympics of Kentucky. As the sole representative of the UK Surgery team, Pete wanted to express his thanks to all those that donated.

“It’s going to a great cause,” he said.

March of Dimes March for Babies, May 22
Another potential opportunity for Team Surgery Shenanigans outreach is the annual Greater Bluegrass March for Babies event. Tentatively scheduled for May 22 at Keeneland, there is a kick-off event scheduled for February 11. Details will be released at that time

Join Team Surgery Shenanigans
Anyone who wants to help with the Team Surgery can contact Pete Rogers at 218-4951 or by email at

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