Surgery/Engineering Embedded Scholars Summer Program
Deadline to apply: Monday, June 7, 2021
The Department of Surgery in the College of Medicine and the Department of Biomedical Engineering in the College of Engineering are launching an embedded scholar program this summer. Two engineering faculty will shadow surgeons in the Department of Surgery to help frame clinical challenges into engineering problems to facilitate the development of novel solutions. Specifically, it is our hope that this program will foster an environment of in-depth collaboration between surgeons and engineers to accelerate clinical translation of engineering technologies to elevate technology-enhanced patient care at UK.
Scopes of interest will include:
development of novel implant devices and surgical tools,
advanced biometrics and diagnostic tools, and
new applications for biomaterials.
Long-term goals of this program include the following:
Break down silos by engaging faculty from different colleges and departments
Create a structure that brings together convergent disciplines that start with “the problem” and create solutions together
Facilitate the translation of new technologies into the clinical setting
Provide engineering faculty with the opportunity to apply their expertise to clinical and biomedical applications
Provide surgical faculty with the opportunity to work with colleagues in engineering to improve patient care, develop novel therapeutics, and improve upon current diagnostics and instrumentation
Advance novel approaches and instrumentation for biomedical research
Support the mentorship of junior faculty in both colleges
Increase collaborative interaction and future programmatic funding
If you are interested in participating with this program, please send a short email of interest by Monday, June 7 to Dr. Inabnet ( indicating your name, title of your project, anticipated collaborators, and any relevant background material.
Thank you.
William B Inabnet III, MD, MHA, FACS
Johnston-Wright Endowed Professor and Chair
Department of Surgery
Guigen Zhang, PhD
F. Joseph Halcomb III, MD Endowed Professor and Chair
Department of BioMedical Engineering