Dr. Caroline Neff named 2019 Nicholson Scholar in General Surgery
Dr. Sandra Beck, director of the general surgery residency program at the University of Kentucky, announced that Caroline Neff, MD is the 2019 recipient of the Charles H. Nicholson Clinical Tour Fellowship.The announcement was made prior to Dr. Samuel Carmichael’s presentation of the Nicholson Scholar lecture on Wednesday morning, May 16.
The Nicholson fellowship is a special fund created to encourage UK surgical residents to study alongside experts at locations outside of the University of Kentucky. The fellowship was established in memory of Dr. Charles H. Nicholson, a respected Lexington surgeon whose 32-year practice was marked by “superb patient care and dedication to the education of hundreds of surgical residents.” Following Dr. Nicholson’s untimely death in 1999, three of his colleagues from the Lexington Clinic, Drs. William “Bill” Walton, Michael Daugherty, and Ed Nighbert, founded the travel fellowship as an enduring memorial to their partner and friend. He firmly believed that visiting and studying under experts in other centers, cities, or parts of the world is a worthwhile experience for surgical residents to pursue.
A Nicholson scholar is selected in their fourth year of general surgery residency. Scholars use the fellowship during their chief year to defray lodging and travel expenses during specialty training at one or more sites outside of the University of Kentucky medical campus. In some cases, recipients lecture on some aspect of their experience that the Nicholson fellowship helped make possible.
2018 Nicholson Scholar Dr. Samuel Carmichael’s grand rounds presentation, The History of Blood, included summary details of his visit to the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) last January. While at OHSU, he studied under Dr. Martin Schreiber, Director of Trauma Research at OHSU and Division Chief for Trauma, Critical Care, and Acute Care Surgery. In addition to Dr. Schreiber’s experience as a coordinator of critical care surgery for the military in Iraq and Afghanistan, Dr. Carmichael was interested in learning more about his research into optimizing positive outcomes in blood transfusions for trauma patients. Applications for the 2020 Nicholson Scholar fellowship are available to fourth year general surgery residents at the University of Kentucky. Submissions are due on March 1 of 2019. Visit the Charles Nicholson Clinical Tour Fellowship page at the UK Department of Surgery website for details and a link to the formal application.