The UK Office of Work Life awarded Angela Dalton, practice manager in the Department of Surgery, as one of its two Supervisors of the Year for 2016. Kristy McMillan, radiology technical manager in Imaging Services, also received the Supervisor of the Year honor which was presented at a special awards program in the Hilary Boone Center on Friday, April 26.

Linda Combs, Academic Support Services Director for The Department of Surgery, was nominated for the award and given recognition at the program as well.

Dalton and Combs were nominated by their fellow employees. Comments attested to both women’s leadership skills and ability to foster a supportive work environment in patient care and assisting residents and medical students.

According to one letter of nomination, “Dalton is genuinely focused on recognizing individual contributions, while also reinforcing...the General Surgery Clinic’s role in providing quality outcomes and positive patient experiences.”

Other nominations cited Dalton’s commitment to an open door policy. “Angie takes time to listen to you whether it is a work or outside-work problem.”

Presented a certificate for being nominated, Combs’ staff submitted several letters extolling her “positivity and trust, which makes us all try to aim higher. She has encouraged me to pursue various endeavors personally and professionally.”

Mirroring those sentiments, another nominator felt that Combs is a supervisor who always tries to lift spirits and demonstrates a great deal of patience and love.

“Even though she is busy (she wears many different hats within our department), Linda takes the time to always listen to a new idea, concern, or problem.”

The nominations for Dalton and Combs all pointed to similar attributes – being attentive, listening, being a team player, and encouraging their staff to meet goals and be productive.

The Department extends its congratulations to these two excellent leaders.
