By Josh Shepherd

The US Department of Defense approved a $3.9 million award in late July to fund a research project entitled “Development of a Paracorporeal Pump-Integrated Artificial Lung (pPIAL) for Transport of Warfighters with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)”. Dongfang Wang, MD, PhD, Director of the Artificial Organ Laboratory at UK and a member of the Department of Surgery research faculty, is the principal investigator on the project. The new technology to be developed in this DOD project is based on his own patent.

The ultimate goal of the research is to develop a simple lung support system that aids in the emergency transport of soldiers suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) from the combat field to a regional medical center. The one-piece compact pPIAL will allow direct attachment to the patient's body, reducing the risk of accidental dislodgement, tubing kinking/obstructions, and increased clotting that are inherent risks of the current devices consisting of multiple pieces and long tubing connections.

Dr. Wang has made significant contributions toward the simplification of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO).  He and Dr. Joseph Zwischenberger are co-inventors of 5 patents.   Two of these patents were successfully commercialized and are currently on the market. Their patented AvalonElite double lumen cannula for total respiratory support has significantly impacted the clinical practice of VV ECMO for severe lung failure treatment, benefiting thousands of patients.
