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Robert Baumann, MD


University of Kentucky Department of Neurology


  • Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics

College Unit(s)

Biography and Education


Dr Baumann founded the University of Kentucky Child Neurology outreach clinics to underserved Appalachian children and their families.

He has served on multiple committees for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Academy of Neurology (AAN).


He was elected:

  • Director of the Professors of Child Neurology (PCN) (1988 – 92).
  • Board of Directors of the American Academy of Neurology (2009 -13).
  • Board of Directors and as Secretary Treasurer of the United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties (UCNS) (2011 – 2020).

He has been awarded:

  • American Academy of Pediatrics Distinguished Service Award, 2006.
  • Child Neurology Society Lifetime Achievement Award, 2022.
  • most important of all, the Kentucky Governors Service Award, 2023.