
In the spring of your final year in medical school, you have the opportunity to select your schedule. This rotation consists of 10, 4-week long block courses that you attend throughout the year. The College of Medicine will send out the list of dates for each block 1 – 10 for that year. All students both UK students and visiting students from other schools, are scheduled for their rotation in OASIS.

University of Kentucky Medical students get the first pick of courses.  If a student wants to take our course, you have to email the Program Director, (Dr. Lucy Franklin), and get permission to attend the course. Once all UK students have been scheduled, all remaining course availability will open for visiting students to apply.


OPH-850 Course Description

This clinical elective allows the learner to acquire more in-depth knowledge regarding the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases and disorders that affect the visual system. It is specifically designed to provide broad, general ophthalmic knowledge for students interested in a career in ophthalmology but is also appropriate for students that anticipate practice in specialties such as internal medicine, pediatrics, and neurology.  Special attention is given to students obtaining confidence in ophthalmic history taking and examination techniques, and the diagnosis and treatment of common ophthalmic disorders.   The course is structured to provide substantial engagement with residents and faculty in the care of patients in the clinic and operating room. 

Each student should complete the course with the ability to confidently diagnose common ophthalmologic conditions and identify patients with eye and orbital diseases that require urgent/emergent referral to an ophthalmologist.  Students are required to research and prepare a clinical case report and present it to their fellow students. Students will also complete the required Case Studies in Ophthalmology, a self-study and group problem-based learning program. 

Visiting Students

If you are a visiting student, you will need to apply through the VSLO site (Visiting Student Learning Opportunities). Once you have applied through VSLO, please ensure that you have uploaded the appropriate documentation along with selecting your top 3 block dates. You will receive a notification as to which block you have been offered.

When visiting from another school, there will be a tour of the VA (where you will be fingerprinted), our surgery center, where we conduct consults, and our clinic. After the tour and answering any questions, students have the option to take a break and then will need to complete online Epic training.

Visiting Student Learning Opportunities