Message from the Department Chair Anesthesiology, Perioperative, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine

The University of Kentucky Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine is committed to the pillars of an outstanding academic institution including clinical excellence, education, and research, which are supported by our outstanding faculty and staff. We provide the most advanced anesthetic and subspecialty anesthetic care for patients throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky and beyond.
We believe that residency is the most important aspect of professional training. Our program prioritizes resident education through the use of our nationally recognized didactic program. Additionally, clinical excellence is paramount and a primary objective of our program. Your residency at the University of Kentucky will provide you with the foundational skills necessary to become an outstanding clinician for any path you may choose following your training. We recognize that our residents are the future of our specialty and we endeavor to develop the next generation of leaders in health care. We aim to produce consultants and professionals who are not only outstanding clinically but who can grow with innovations in technology in modern anesthesia and are prepared for the demographics and the changing patterns of health care for the future. We implement a team-based approach to patient care and advocate for a culture that not only caters to providing excellent clinical care for our patients but fosters lifelong colleagues and friends.
Growth, innovation, and continued outstanding clinical excellence are instilled within our department. I invite you to explore our website, meet our outstanding faculty, and examine our residency and fellowship programs. Our department is proud to be part of the University of Kentucky and to take outstanding care of our patients within the Commonwealth and beyond.
Zaki-Udin Hassan, MBBS, MBA, FASA
Professor and Chair of the UK College of Medicine Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine