Ambulatory Anesthesia
Ambulatory Anesthesia
The majority of outpatient cases at UK are done in the Center for Advanced Surgery. The center opened in 2004, has eight operating rooms, and is in the top two floors of the Gill Heart Institute Building, which is attached to the front of Albert B. Chandler Hospital.
We do more than 9,000 anesthetics cases per year in the center. We are also now not only doing peripheral nerve blocks, but also outpatient continuous catheters.
Priorities are different in ambulatory anesthesia. The patient must recover quickly without complications such as significant pain or nausea and vomiting. Most patients having extremity surgery receive a peripheral nerve block as part of their pain management strategy. Both adults and children are cared for in the Center for Advanced Surgery, which means we have medical professionals who specialize in many different types of ambulatory surgery.