Collaborative, Translational Research
SCoBIRC Research Focus Areas
- Treatments to minimize damage and promote repair mechanisms following spinal cord or brain injury;
- Strategies to promote neuronal regeneration, including gene therapy;
- Understanding the mechanisms involved in axon guidance and myelination; and
- Implementation of advanced control systems for functional neuromuscular stimulation.
Graduate Education
The faculty in SCoBIRC are members of a number of graduate programs which provide a wide range of educational opportunities.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
The vibrant, open lab environment of SCoBIRC allows undergraduates to gain valuable experience while being part a productive research community. The most direct way to inquire about potential lab openings is to email a faculty member directly. Additional information is available through the Office of Biomedical Education and the Office of Undergraduate Research.
The University of Kentucky Phase I Center of Research in central nervous system metabolism is supported by a $10.6 million, five-year award (P20 GM148326) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). The NIGMS is a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that supports thematic, multidisciplinary Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) across the country through its Institutional Development Award (IDeA) program.