The Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center (SCoBIRC) at the University of Kentucky established the SCoBIRC AARTS Program to provide students with funded research training in neurotrauma. Black faculty and students are heavily underrepresented in the field of neuroscience, and the AARTS program was established to enhance the pipeline. The All Access Research Training Scholars program honors this commitment by improving access to valuable training and enhancing this pipeline for all. The current award is a $6000 summer stipend.

SCoBIRC celebrates the AARTS class of 2024 at annual student symposium

Pictured from left to right. 

Back row: Amar Hamad (Mentored by Dr. Patrick Sullivan), Lauren Hill (Mentored by Drs. Kirby Mayer & Esther Dupont-Versteegden), Alydia Flowers (Mentored by Dr. Samir Patel), Jourie Wilson (Mentored by Dr. Amanda Trout); 
Middle row: Dylan Nguyen (Mentored by Dr. John Gensel), Jayla Franklin (Mentored by Dr. Wang-Xia Wang), Alayna Mack (Mentored by Dr. Adam Bachstetter), Adreonna Rainey (Mentored by Dr. Michael Bardo), Jalika Bojang (Mentored by Drs. Brad Hubbard & Daniel Lee); 
Front row: Joshua Moses (Peer mentor), Connor Stuart (Mentored by Dr. Ann Stowe), Soleil Uwimana (Mentored by Dr. Steven Estus), Olivia Wireman (Peer mentor)

SCoBIRC celebrates its 2023 class of AARTS Scholars, their research projects, and SCoBIRC mentors

From Left:  
Cortney Laye (Mentored by: Brad Hubbard, PhD)
Christopher Bosse-Joseph (Mentored by: Andrew Stewart, PhD) 
Marissa Harris (Mentored by: Adam Bachstetter, PhD) 
Kailey Cain (Mentored by: Steven Estus, PhD) 
Cheyenne Chandler (Mentored by: Jamie Sturgill, PhD) 
Krystal Steele (Mentored by: Michael Bardo, PhD and Warren Alilain, PhD)
Hopemarie Makumbi (Mentored by: Ann Stowe, PhD) 

In front, from left:
Ejemen Unuakhalu (Mentored by: Patrick Sullivan, PhD) 
JayLa Hudson (Mentored by: Amanda Trout, PhD) 



SCoBIRC celebrates its first class of AARTS Scholars, their research projects, and SCoBIRC mentors

Nolan Abdelsayed  – “Neuroinflammation as a Contributor to Secondary Brain Injury Following a Mild Closed Head Injury” (Mentor: Adam Bachstetter)

Jordon Burdette – “Cellular Regeneration in the Injured Spinal Cord” (Mentor: Warren Alilain)

Urim Geleta – “MicroRNA Regulation of Neuroinflammation Following TBI” (Mentor: Joe Springer)

Alexa Halliburton – “Age and Social Enrichment as Determining Factors in SCI Recovery” (Mentor: John Gensel)

Bisimwa “Jack” Nzerhumana – “Mitochondrial Uncoupling Promotes Energy Metabolism Following TBI” (Mentor: Pat Sullivan)

The [inaugural] AARTS program more than exceeded our expectations, with regard to both the level of student interest in the program and the depth of relationships formed between faculty and trainees. The program was designed to provide immersive experiences in research, professional development, and mentoring. Our faculty and trainees demonstrated genuine commitments to each aspect of the program’s mission, and it is clear that long-lasting relationships, which will benefit the trainees for years to come, were formed.

Mark Prendergast, PhD, professor of psychology and director of UK’s neuroscience bachelor’s degree program