Hubbard Lab

About the Lab
The research interests of the Hubbard lab are understanding the pathobiology of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and investigating therapeutics in preclinical models that can target critical mechanisms of injury to improve outcomes. TBI is a major health crisis in both the US and worldwide with millions of individuals sustaining a TBI each year. Each experience is unique but persons dealing with the neurological consequences of TBI can struggle with memory, anxiety, social interaction, as well as systemic complications. Our research focus is to better understand the neurobiological changes that occur after injury. Using both blast-induced and impact-induced rodent brain injury models, my lab investigates mechanisms related to neurovascular and mitochondrial dysfunction in mild TBI. Current projects revolve around the cellular underpinnings of blood-brain barrier damage following injury and how vascular-directed treatments can mitigate dysfunction. Other projects focus on neurovascular unit metabolism as it relates to mitochondrial dynamics, transport, and function in the brain following injury. Our projects incorporate translational outcome measures such as behavioral assays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Research Summary