Philanthropy and Support
Life Changing Injuries Happen Every Minute
Each day, there are about 30 new cases of spinal cord injury in the United States. Today, approximately 200,000 Americans are living with spinal cord injuries. The estimated individual lifetime cost for health care and living expenses that are directly attributable to the spinal cord injury varies with the location and severity of injury but can reach into the millions.
Every 15 seconds, someone receives a head injury in the United States, and every five minutes, one of those people will die and another will become permanently disabled. A survivor of a severe brain injury typically faces five to 10 years of intensive services and the cumulative, mean cost of this care is currently $4 million per patient.
The major cause of both spinal cord and head injuries is motor vehicle accidents, followed by acts of violence, falls, and sports. Most persons are between 16 and 30 years of age at the time of injury, and males are much more likely than females to be injured.
You Are Vital To Our Mission
The goal of the SCoBIRC is to build upon recent advances in research, to find treatments that are more effective, and ultimately to achieve functional repair of the injured spinal cord and brain. Gifts from individuals, corporations and foundations are vital to this mission. If you would like further information, please contact Acting Director John C. Gensel, PhD, gensel.1@uky.edu, or administrative specialist Zelneva Madison, zfrye@uky.edu.
Donations are arranged through the University of Kentucky Department of Philanthropy. Donors will be recognized appropriately for their gifts and are encouraged to discuss naming and other recognition opportunities.